Run/Bump into:”gūzen au” Japanese Phrase #341


Run/Bump into:”gūzen au” Japanese Phrase #341

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “偶然会ぐうぜんあう。(gūzen au)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!

偶然会ぐうぜんあう。(gūzen au)

Run/Bump into / 碰巧遇见。 / 우연히 만난다. / Gặp gỡ tình cờ.

When you want to describe “to meet someone you know when you are not expecting to”, you would be able to use “偶然会ぐうぜんあう。(gūzen au)” which means “Run/Bump into”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as polite and formal and “偶然会ぐうぜんあいます。(gūzen ai masu)” is used as polite and formal.

Sample 1


昨日きのう、レイと偶然会ぐうぜんあったんだ。 (I ran into Rei yesterday.) (我昨天碰巧遇见了莲。) (어제 레이를 우연히 만났어.) (Hôm qua tôi đã tình cờ gặp Ray.)


へー、そうなんだ。どこで? (I see. Where?) (诶,这样啊,在哪里遇到的?) (오 그렇구나. 어디서?) (Hả, thật vậy hả. Cậu gặp ở đâu vậy?)

Sample 2


ものしてたら中学ちゅうがく友達ともだち偶然会ぐうぜんあいました。 (I bumped into my high school friend while shopping.) (我在买东西的途中碰巧遇到了国中时的朋友。) (쇼핑하다가 중학교 친구와 우연히 만났습니다.) (Tôi đã tình cờ gặp lại một người bạn cấp hai lúc đang đi mua sắm.)


かったですね! (Good for you!) (真好!) (잘 됐네요!) (Thật tốt quá nhỉ!)

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