After-party:”nijikai” Japanese Phrase #342
Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “二次会。(nijikai)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!
After-party / 二次会。 / 이차회 / Tăng hai.
When you want to describe “a party for invited guests that follows a main party or event”, you would be able to use “二次会。(nijikai)” which means “After-party”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual, polite and formal.
Sample 1
二次会行く? (Will you go to the after-party?) (你要去二次会吗?) (2차 갈래?) (Đi tăng hai không?)
うん。たつやは? (Yeah. How about you, Tatsuya?) (是啊。达也呢?) (응. 타츠야는?) (Ừ. Tatsuya thì sao?)
多分行かないかなー。 (I might not go there.) (我应该不去。) (아마 안 갈 걸.) (Có lẽ là tôi không đi quá.)
Sample 2
明日、結婚式の二次会に行きます。 (I would go the wedding after-party tomorrow.) (我明天婚礼结束后要去参加之后的二次会。) (내일, 결혼식 이차회에 갈겁니다.) (Ngày mai tôi sẽ đi tăng hai sau lễ cưới.)
いいですね!何時からですか? (Good! What time does it start?) (真好!从几点开始?) (좋네요, 몇 시부터입니까?) (Được đấy nhỉ! Bắt đầu từ mấy giờ đấy?)
7時からです。 (It starts at 7 p.m.) (从7点开始。) (7시 부터입니다.) (Từ 7 giờ.)
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