寝る(neru) vs. 練る(neru):They Sound Absolutely Same But…


寝る(neru) vs. 練る(neru):They Sound Absolutely Same But…

What is the difference between “る(neru) and る(neru)”? Which is used as the meaning of “go to bed”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!


Go to bed / 睡觉 / 자다 / ngủ

る(neru)” means “Go to bed” and which has been used as the meaning of “prepare for sleep”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は/がる。(___ go to bed.)”, etc. For instance, “わたしは/がる。(I go to bed.)”, “かれは/がる。(He goes to bed.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “PREPARE FOR SLEEP”, unlike “る”, although they sound absolutely same. Everyone could use “る” as casual, polite and formal such as “るね。(I’m going to bed.)” as casual “ます。(I’m going to bed.)” as polite and formal.

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もうね。おやすみ! (I’m going to bed now. Goodnight!) (我要睡了哦,晚安!) (이제 잘래. 잘 자!) (Đã tới giờ đi ngủ rồi nhỉ. Chúc ngủ ngon!) (neru ne. oyasumi!)


すごくねむたいので、ちょっとます (I’m very sleepy. I’m gonna sleep now.) (我超困所以我要睡一会。) (너무 졸려서 조금 잘게요.) (Vì tôi rất buồn ngủ nên tôi sẽ ngủ một chút.) (sugoku nemutainode, chotto nemasu.)


昨日きのう何時なんじましたか? (What time did you go to bed last night?) (你昨天几点睡觉?) (어제는 몇 시에 잤어요?) (Hôm qua bạn đi ngủ lúc mấy giờ?) (kinō wa nanji ni nemashita ka?)


ほうがいいよ。 (You gotta go to bed.) (你最好去睡一下。) (자는 게 좋겠어.) (Bạn nên đi ngủ thì tốt hơn đấy.) (neta hō ga ī yo.)


Knead, Mix, etc / 搅拌 / 반죽하다 / nhào trộn

る(neru)” means “Knead, Mix, etc” and which has been used as the meaning of “to press something, especially a mixture for making bread, firmly and repeatedly with the hands and fingers”. The basic ways to use it are that “わたしは/が___をる。(I knead ___.)”, etc. For instance, “わたしは/が生地きじる。(I knead the dough.)”, “わたしは/がパン生地きじる。(I knead the bread dough.)”, etc, The tips for using it are that “る” is used as the meaning of “TO PRESS/MIX SOMETHING UP FOR MAKING THINGS”, unlike “る”, although they sound absolutely same. Everyone could use “る” as casual, polite and formal such as “パン生地きじったよ。(I kneaded the bread dough.)” as casual and “パン生地きじりました。(I kneaded the bread dough.)” as polite and formal. Additionally, you would be able to say “作戦さくせんる” means “to make a plan”.



やわらかくなるまで生地きじってみて。 (Try to knead the dough until smooth.) (要把面团揉到变软为止。) (부드러워질 때까지 반죽해봐.) (Hãy thử nhào bột cho đến khi nó mềm xốp đi.) (yawarakaku narumade kiji wo nette mite.)


どうやって生地きじの? (How do I knead the bread dough?) (要怎么揉面团?) (어떻게 반죽하는 거야?) (Làm thế nào để nhào bột đây?) (dō yatte kiji wo neru no?)


れましたか? (Have you finish kneading it?) (揉成了吗?) (이제 숙련이 되었나요?) (Bạn đã có thể nhào được chưa?) (nere mashita ka?)


作戦さくせんろう (Let’s make a plan!) (让我们来制定作战计划吧!) (작전을 짜자!) (Cùng hoạch định chiến lược thôi nào!) (sakusen wo nerou!)

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