わりびき vs. ねびき:There Are Subtle Differences.


割引わりびき vs. 値引ねびき:There Are Subtle Differences.

What is the difference between “割引わりびき(waribiki) and 値引ねびき(nebiki)”? Which is used as “___percent off”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

割引わりびき (wari biki) and 値引ねびき (ne biki)

Discount / 打折, 折扣 / 할인, 깎아주다 / Giảm giá___phần trăm, Giảm giá___yên

割引わりびき and 値引ねびき” mean “Discount” and which has been used as the meaning of “a reduction in the usual price”. The tips for using them are that “割引わりびき” is used as “___ PERCENT OFF” such as “10% off”, “20% off”, “35% off”, etc which are “10%じゅっぱーせんと割引わりびき”, “20%にじゅっぱーせんと割引わりびき”, “35%さんじゅうごぱーせんと割引わりびき”, etc. Whereas “値引ねびき” is used as “___ YEN OFF” such as “100 yen off”, “500 yen off”, “1000 yen off”, etc which are “100円ひゃくえん値引ねびき”, “500円ごひゃくえん値引ねびき”, “1000円せんえんえん値引ねびき”, etc. The basic ways to use them are that “わたしは___%割引わりびきしてもらう。(I get a ___ percent discount.)” and “わたしは___円値引えんねびきしてもらう。(I get a ___ yen discount.)”, etc. For instance, “わたし30%さんじゅっぱーせんと割引わりびきしてもらう。(I get a 30 percent discount.)” and “わたし300円値引さんびゃくえんねびきしてもらう。(I get a 300 yen discount.)”, etc. Everyone could use “割引わりびき and 値引ねびき” as casual, polite and formal such as “30%さんじゅっぱーせんと割引わりびきしてもらったよ。(I got a 30 percent discount.)” and “300円値引さんびゃくえんねびきしてもらったよ。(I get a 300 yen discount.)” as casual and “30%さんじゅっぱーせんと割引わりびきしてもらいました。(I got a 30 percent discount.)” and “300円値引さんびゃくえんねびきしてもらいました。(I get a 300 yen discount.)” as polite and formal. Additionally, “わり” of “割引わりびき” means “%” such as “1割いちわり(10%)” “2割にわり(20%)”, “5割ごわり(50%)”, “10割じゅうわり(100%)”. So “___割引わりびき” means “___% off”. As you might already know “く” means “reduce”. And “” of 値引ねびき” means “amount of money”. Lastly, we often use “___円引ねびき” means “___ yen off”.

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2割引わりびしてもらったよ。 (I got a 20 percent discount.) (给我打了个八折) (20프로 할인해줬어.) (Tôi được giảm giá hai mươi phần trăm đấy.) (ni waribiki shite moratta yo.)


500円ごひゃくえん値引ねびしてもらいました。 (I got a 500 yen discount.) (给我减免了500日元) (500엔, 깎아주었습니다.) (Tôi đã được giảm giá 500 yên.) (go hyaku en, nebiki shite morai mashita.)


この商品しょうひん4割引よんわりびのシールがられています。 (These have 20% off stickers on them.) (这个商品贴着6折的标签) (이 상품에 40프로 할인의 스티커가 붙어 있습니다.) (Sản phẩm này được dán nhãn giảm giá 40%.) (kono shōhin ni yon waribiki no shīru ga hara rete imasu.)


この商品しょうひん400円よんひゃくえんのシールがられてるね。 (These have 400 yen off stickers on them.) (这个商品贴着减免400日元的标签。) (이 상품에 400엔 할인 스티커가 붙어 있어.) (Sản phẩm này được dán nhãn giảm giá 400 yên nhỉ.) (kono shōhin ni yon hyaku en biki no shīru ga harareteru ne.)


300円さんびゃくえんでいい? (How does a 300 yen discount sound?) (可以优惠300日元吗?) (300엔 할인으로 괜찮아?) (Giảm giá 300 yên có được không?) (san byaku en biki de ī?)


すこ割引わりびしてもらえませんか? (Can I get a little discount?) (请问你能给我打个折吗?) (조금 할인해줄 수 없나요?) (Bạn có thể giảm giá cho tôi một chút có được không?) (sukoshi waribiki shite morae masen ka?)


クーポンでいくら割引わりびされますか? (How much did I get off with the coupon?) (用这个优惠券能折扣多少?) (쿠폰으로 얼마 할인이 됩니까?) (Được giảm giá bao nhiêu phần trăm với phiếu giảm giá này vậy?) (kūpon de ikura waribiki sare masu ka?)


値引ねびするよ。 (I’ll give you a discount.) (给你打折呢。) (깎아줄게.) (Giảm bớt tiền đấy.) (nebiki suru yo.)

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