“obāchan” vs. “sobo”:They Means “grand mother” But…


obāchan” vs. “sobo“:They Means “grand mother” But…

What is the difference between “おばあちゃん(obāchan) and 祖母そぼ(sobo)”? Which is used as casual? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

おばあちゃん (obāchan)

Grandma, Granny / 奶奶 / 할머니 / Bà

“おばあちゃん(obāchan)” means “Grandma or Granny” and which has been used as the meaning of “one’s grandmother used informally”. The basic ways to use it are that “わたしのおばあちゃんは___。(My grandma/granny ___.)”, etc For instance, “わたしのおばあちゃんはくるまう。(My grandma/granny buys a car.)”, “わたしのおばあちゃんはほんむのがきだ。(My grandma/granny like to read books.)”, “わたしのおばあちゃんはこのひとです。(My grandma/granny is this person.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “おばあちゃん” is used as “CASUAL”, unlike “祖母そぼ“. Everyone could use “おばあちゃん” as casual, polite such as “おばあちゃんはほんむのがきだよ。(My grandma/granny like to read books.)” as casual and “おばあちゃんはほんむのがきです。(My grandma/granny like to read books.)” as polite and formal. Additionally, “おじいちゃん” is “grandpa or grandad” as casual like “おばあちゃん” which you could use as polite as well.

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おばあちゃん70歳ななじゅっさいだよ。 (My granny is 70 years old.) (奶奶已经70岁了。) (할머니는 70살이야.) (Bà tôi đã 70 tuổi rồi đó.) (obāchan wa dayo.)


昨日きのうおばあちゃんものきました。 (I went shopping with my grandma yesterday.) (我昨天和奶奶一起去购物了。) (어제 할머니와 쇼핑을 갔습니다.) (Hôm qua, tôi đã đi mua sắm với bà tôi.) (kinō, obāchan to kaimono ni iki mashita.)


来月らいげつおばあちゃん旅行りょこうきます。 (I’m going to travel with my grandma next month.) (我和奶奶下个月要去旅行。) (다음 달에 할머니와 여행을 갑니다.) (Tháng tới, tôi sẽ đi du lịch với bà tôi.) (raigetsu, obāchan to ryokō ni ikimasu.)


おじいちゃん誕生日たんじょうびプレゼントをったよ。 (I bought a birthday present for my granpa.) (我买了送给爷爷的生日礼物。) (할아버지의 생신 선물을 샀어.) (Tôi đã mua một món quà mừng sinh nhật của ông tôi.) (ojīchan no tanjōbi purezento wo katta yo.)

祖母そぼ (sobo)

Grandmother / 祖母 / 할머니 / Bà

祖母そぼ(sobo)” means “Grandmother” and which has been used as the meaning of “the mother of a person’s father or mother used formally”. The basic ways to use it are that “わたし祖母そぼは___。(My grandmother ___.)”, etc For instance, “わたし祖母そぼくるまう。(My grandmother buys a car.)”, “わたし祖母そぼほんむのがきだ。(My grandmother like to read books.)”, “わたし祖母そぼはこのひとです。(My grandmother is this person.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “祖母そぼ” is used as “FORMAL”, unlike “おばあちゃん”. Everyone could use “祖母そぼ” as casual, polite such as “祖母そぼほんむのがきだよ。(My grandmother like to read books.)” as casual and “祖母そぼほんむのがきです。(My grandmother like to read books.)” as polite and formal. Additionally, “祖父そふ” is “grandfather” as polite or formal like “祖母そぼ“.



祖母そぼ70歳ななじゅっさいです。 (My grandmother is 70 years old.) (我的祖母今年70岁。) (할머니는 70세입니다.) (Bà tôi đã 70 tuổi.) (sobo wa nana jussai desu.)


昨日きのう祖母そぼものきました。 (I went shopping with my grandmother yesterday.) (我昨天和祖母一起去购物了。) (어제 할머니와 쇼핑을 하러 갔습니다.) (Hôm qua, tôi đã đi mua sắm với bà tôi.) (kinō, sobo to kaimono ni iki mashita.)


来月らいげつ祖母そぼ旅行りょこうきます。 (I’m going to travel with my grandmother next month.) (我和祖母下个月要去旅行。) (다음 달에 할머니와 여행을 갑니다.) (Tháng tới, tôi sẽ đi du lịch với bà tôi.) (raigetsu, sobo to ryokō ni iki masu.)


祖父そふ誕生日たんじょうびプレゼントをいました。 (I bought a birthday present for my grandfather.) (我买了送给祖父的生日礼物。) (할아버지의 생신 선물을 샀습니다.) (Tôi đã mua một món quà mừng sinh nhật của ông tôi.) (sofu no tanjōbi purezento wo kaimashita.)

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