イケメン vs. ハンサム:Which Is Not Used Anymore?


イケメン vs. ハンサム:Which Is Not Used Anymore?

What is the difference between “イケメン(ikemen) and ハンサム(hansamu)”? Which is not used nowadays? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

イケメン (ikemen) / ハンサム (hansamu)

Good-looking, Hot / 帅哥, 帅 / 꽃미남, 얼짱 / đẹp trai, đẹp trai

“イケメン(ikemen) and ハンサム(hansamu)” mean “Good-looking and Hot” and which has been used as the meaning of “a man has attractive appearance”. The tips for using them are that although they are the same meaning, “ハンサム” is used for ELDERLY PEOPLE and “イケメン” is NOT ONLY used for YOUNGE PEOPLE but it also used for ADULTS. So, if you are less than 60 years old, you might want to use “イケメン”. “ハンサム” sounds pretty old. The basic ways to use them are that “___はイケメン/ハンサムだ。(___ is good-looking/hot.)”, etc For instance, “かれはイケメン/ハンサムだ。(He is good-looking/hot.)”, “彼氏かれしはイケメン/ハンサムだ。(My boyfriend is good-looking/hot.)”, “おとうとはイケメン/ハンサムだ。(My brother is good-looking/hot.)”, etc. Everyone could use “イケメン(ハンサム)” as casual, polite and formal such as “彼氏かれしはイケメンだよ。(My boyfriend is good-looking/hot.) as casual and “彼氏かれしはイケメンです。(My boyfriend is good-looking/hot.) as polite and formal.

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レイってイケメンだよね? (Rei’s hot, isn’t he?) (雷很帅对吧?) (레이는 꽃미남이지?) (Rei đẹp trai nhỉ?)


おとうとはイケメンです。 (My brother is good-looking.) (我弟弟是帅哥。) (남동생은 꽃미남입니다.) (Em trai tôi rất đẹp trai.)


友達ともだち彼氏かれし高学歴こうがくれきでイケメンです。 (My friend’s boyfriend is good-looking and well educated.) (我朋友的男朋友是高学历的帅哥。) (친구의 남자 친구는 고학력에 꽃미남입니다.) (Bạn trai của bạn tôi vừa có học vấn cao lại vừa đẹp trai.)


おんなってほんとイケメンきだよねー・・・わら (Women really like good-looking men… haha) (女生真的很喜欢帅哥呢……哈哈) (여자들은 꽃미남을 정말 좋아하네… ㅎㅎ) (Con gái thực sự thích mấy anh chàng đẹp trai nhỉ… Haha)


ハンサムって死語しごだよね? (“hansamu” is an obsolete word, isn’t it) (我觉得俊男这个词已经过时了,你说呢?) (얼짱이라는 말은 요즘 잘 안 쓰지?) (Từ “Hansamu” là từ bây giờ không còn được sử dụng nữa nhỉ?)


そうだね。まあ、年配ねんぱいかた使つか言葉ことばかな? (Right. Well, I think the word elderly people use.) (是啊。这个词,上了年纪的人才会用吧?) (그렇지. 음, 나이가 좀 있는 사람들이나 사용하는 말 같다고 할까.) (Đúng vậy nhỉ. Cơ mà, đó là từ mà những người lớn tuổi sử dụng phải không ta?)

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