I was busy today.:”kyou wa isogashikatta” Japanese Phrase #447
Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “今日は忙しかった。(kyou wa isogashikatta)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!
今日は忙しかった。(kyou wa isogashikatta)
I was busy today. / 今天我很忙。 / 오늘 바빴다. / Hôm nay đã là một ngày bận rộn.
When you want to describe “you are working hard.”, you would be able to use “今日は忙しかった。(kyou wa isogashikatta)” which means “I was busy today.”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual and “今日は忙しかったです。(kyou wa isogashikatta desu)” is used as polite and formal.
Sample 1
今日は忙しかったです。早く寝たいです。 (I was busy today. I want to sleep early.) (我今天很忙。我想早点睡觉。) (오늘은 바빴어요. 일찍 자고 싶습니다.) (Hôm nay đã là một ngày bận rộn. Tôi muốn đi ngủ sớm.)
ゆっくり休んでね!(Have a good rest!) (好好休息!) (푹 쉬세요!) (Chúc ngủ ngon nhé!)
Sample 2
今日は忙しかったよ。疲れたよー。 (I was busy today. I was tried.) (我今天很忙。我累了。) (오늘은 바빴어. 피곤해-.) (Hôm nay đã là một ngày bận rộn. Tôi đã rất mệt đấy.)
明日は休み? (Do you have the day off tomorrow?) (你明天休息吗?) (내일은 쉬어?) (Ngày mai bạn nghỉ hả?)
うん、明日は休みだよ。 (Yeah, I have the day off tomorrow.) (是的,明天休息。) (그래, 내일은 휴일이야.) (Ừ, ngày mai là ngày nghỉ đấy.)
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