Take a bath:”ofuro ni hairu” Japanese Phrase #449


Take a bath:”ofuro ni hairu” Japanese Phrase #449

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “お風呂ふろはいる。(ofuro ni hairu)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!

風呂ふろはいる。(ofuro ni hairu)

Take a bath / 洗澡。 / 목욕하다 / Đi tắm.

When you want to describe “you are working hard.”, you would be able to use “お風呂ふろはいる。(ofuro ni hairu)” which means “Take a bath”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual and “お風呂ふろはいります。(ofuro ni hairi masu)” is used as polite and formal. Additionally, native speakers often tend to omit “に” of “お風呂ふろはいる。”, so that would be “お風呂ふろはいる。” and furthermore, men/boys often tend to omit “お” of “お風呂ふろはいる。”, so that would be “お風呂ふろはいる。”.

Sample 1


もう風呂入ふろはいった? (Have you take a bath yet?) (你已经洗完澡了吗?) (벌써 목욕 했어?) (Bạn đã tắm chưa?)


うん、はいったよ。 (Yes, I have.) (嗯,洗完了。) (응. 했어) (Vâng, tôi đã tắm rồi.)

Sample 2


いまからお風呂ふろはいるねー。またあと電話でんわするね。 (I’ll take a bath now. I’ll call you later.) (我现在去洗澡。晚点打电话给你。) (지금부터 목욕할거야-. 나중에 또 전화할게) (Bây giờ tôi đi tắm đây. Tôi sẽ gọi điện lại cho bạn sau nhé.)


じゃあ、またあとでね! (See ya!) (那待会儿再说吧!) (그럼 나중에 전화해!) (Vậy thì, hẹn gặp lại sau nhé!)


またあとでね! (See you later!) (好,再见!) (또 전화할게!) (Hẹn gặp lại sau nhé!)

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