Antonym:あかるい (akarui) vs. くらい (kurai)


Antonym:あかるい (akarui) vs. くらい (kurai)

What is the difference between “あかるい(akarui) and くらい(kurai)”? Which is used as the meaning of “dark”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

あかるい (akarui)

Bright, Light / 明亮 / 밝다 / Sáng

“あかるい(akarui)” means “Bright or light” and which has been used as the meaning of “full of light, shining”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は/があかるい。(___ is bright.)”, etc. For instance, “部屋へやはあかるい。(My room is bright.)”, “そこはあかるい。(It is bright.)”, “あかるい未来みらい(a bright future)”, etc. Everyone could use “あかるい” as casual, polite and formal such as “部屋へやはあかるいよ。(My room is bright.)” as casual and “部屋へやはあかるいです。(My room is bright.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “あかるい” is “あかるい”.

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まだあかるいね。 (It’s still light, isn’t it?) (天还很亮。) (아직 밝네.) (Trời vẫn còn sáng nhỉ.)


あかるい未来みらいになるといいですね。 (I hope you get a bright future.) (但愿我们能迎来充满光明的未来。) (밝은 미래가 되면 좋겠습니다.) (Hy vọng nó sẽ là một tương lai tươi sáng.)


よるでもあかるいです。 (It’s light even at night.) (即使在晚上也很明亮。) (밤에도 밝습니다.) (Dù cho tối rồi mà trời vẫn sáng.)


うとあかるくなるよ。 (I get cheerful and friendly when I get drunk.) (我一喝醉就会变得很开朗。) (취하면 밝아져.) (Khi say bạn sẽ trở nên vui vẻ hơn đấy.)

くらい (kurai)

Dark / 黑暗 / 어둡다 / Tối

“くらい(kurai)” means “Dark” and which has been used as the meaning of “with little or no light”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は/がくらい。(___ is bark.)”, etc. For instance, “部屋へやはくらい。(My room is dark.)”, “そこはくらい。(It is dark.)”, “くらい未来みらい(a bark future)”, etc. Everyone could use “くらお” as casual, polite and formal such as “部屋へやはくらよ。(My room is dark.)” as casual and “部屋へやはくらいです。(My room is dark.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “くらい” is “くらい”.



まだくらいね。 (It’s still dark, isn’t it?) (天还很暗。) (아직 어둡네.) (Trời vẫn còn tối.)


画面がめんくらくなりなにえません。 (The screen got dark and I can’t see anything.) (屏幕变暗了,我什么都看不到。) (화면이 어두워져서 아무것도 보이지 않습니다.) (Màn hình bị tối đen lại không thể nhìn thấy gì nữa.)


まだ17時じゅうしちじだけどそとはすごくくらいです。 (It’s only 5 pm but it’s very dark outside.) (才刚下午五点,外面就已经非常暗了。) (아직 17시이지만 밖은 굉장히 어둡습니다.) (Bây giờ mới 17 giờ thôi nhưng ngoài trời tối đen.)


これはくらところひかるよ。 (This glows in the dark.) (它会在黑暗里发光。) (이것은 어두운 곳에서 빛나.) (Cái này sẽ tỏa sáng ở những nơi tối tăm đấy.)

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