Antonym:おとこ (otoko) vs. おんな (onna)


Antonym:おとこ (otoko) vs. おんな (onna)

What is the difference between “おとこ(otoko) and おんな(onna)”? Which is used as the meaning of “woman”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

おとこ (otoko)

Man, Male / 男人 / 남자 / Đàn ông

“おとこ(otoko)” means “Man or male” and which has been used as the meaning of “An adult human male”. The basic ways to use it are that “___はおとこだ。(___ is a man.)”, etc. For instance, “あのひとはおとこだ。(That guy is a man.)”, “わたしはおとこだ。(I’m a man.)”, etc. Everyone could use “おとこ” as casual, polite and formal such as “あのひとはおとこだよ。(That person is a man.)” as casual and “あのひとはおとこです。(That person is a man.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “おとこ” is “おとこ“.

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あのおとこってホントに女好おんなずきだよ! (That guy is such a womanizer!) (那个男的真的很好色!) (그 남자는 여자를 정말 좋아해!) (Người đàn ông đó thực sự thích phụ nữ đấy!)


かれ世界最強せかいさいきょうおとこです。 (He’s the strongest man in the world.) (他是世界上最厉害的男人。) (그는 세계에서 가장 힘이 쎈 남자입니다.) (Anh ấy là người đàn ông mạnh nhất trên thế giới.)


おとこらしいですね。 (You’re a manly man.) (你很有男子气概呢。) (남자답네요.) (Nhìn ra vẻ đàn ông nhỉ!)


それはおとこゆめだよ。 (That’s every man’s dream.) (那是男人的梦想。) (그건 남자들의 꿈이야.) (Đó là ước mơ của một người đàn ông đấy.)

おんな (onna)

Woman, Female / 女人 / 여자 / Đàn bà, phụ nữ

“おんな(onna)” means “Woman or Female” and which has been used as the meaning of “An adult human female”. The basic ways to use it are that “___はおんなだ。(___ is a woman.)”, etc. For instance, “あのひとはおんなだ。(That person is a woman.)”, “わたしはおんなだ。(I’m a woman.)”, etc. Everyone could use “おとこ” as casual, polite and formal such as “あのひとはおんなだよ。(That person is a woman.)” as casual and “あのひとはおんなです。(That person is a woman.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “おんな” is “おんな“.



ねえちゃんはおとこにもおんなにももてるよ。 (My sister is popular among both men and women.) (不论男女,我姐姐总是很受欢迎。) (우리 언니는 남자와 여자 모두한테 인기가 있어.) (Chị gái tôi được cả đàn ông lẫn phụ nữ ưa thích đấy.)


彼女かのじょ魔性ましょうおんなです。 (She’s a femme fatale.) (她是个妖姬。) (그녀는 마성의 여자입니다.) (Cô ta là một yêu nữ.)


おんならしいですね。 (You’re feminine.) (你很有女性气质呢。) (여성스럽네요.) (Nhìn ra dáng con gái nhỉ!)


それはおんなゆめだよ。 (That’s every woman’s dream.) (这是女人的梦想。) (그건 여자들의 꿈이야.) (Đó là ước mơ của phụ nữ.)

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