“arienai” vs. “muri”:Native Speakers Often Use These


“arienai” vs. “muri”:Native Speakers Often Use These

What is the difference between “ありえない(arienai) and 無理むり(muri)”? Which is better when you can’t believe something? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

ありえない! (arienai)

I can’t believe it!, Unbelievable!, I can’t believe this is happening! / 不可能! / 있을 수 없어! / Không thể nào!

“ありえない!(arienai)” means “I can’t believe it!, Unbelievable! or I can’t believe this is happening!” and which has been used as the meaning of “when a person who is very surprised or shocked by something”. The basic way to use it is “ありえない!(I can’t believe it!/Unbelievable.)”. The tips for using it are that “ありえない!” is used as the meaning of “I can’t believe it!”, so it doesn’t have the meaning “to deny”, unlike “無理むり!”. Everybody could use “ありえない!(I can’t believe it!/Unbelievable!)” in daily conversations as ONLY CASUAL. If you want to use this as polite or formal, that would be “しんじられません。(shinjirare-masen)”. For instance, someone says “からテレポートするよ。(I’ll teleport from now.)” and you would be able to say “ありえないよ!(I can’t believe it!)” as casual and “からテレポートします。(I’ll teleport from now.)” and you would be able to say “しんじられません。(I can’t believe it.)” as polite and formal.

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明日あしたまでにやるよ! (I’ll finish it by tomorrow!) (我会在明天前搞定的!) (내일까지 할게!) (Tôi sẽ làm xong nó trước ngày mai!) (ashita made ni yaru yo!)


明日あしたまではありえないよ!本当ほんとう出来できるの? (I can’t believe to finish by tomorrow! Can you really do that?) (你真的能在明天前完成吗!?不可能吧?) (내일까지는 될 리가 없어! 진짜로 할 수 있는 거야?) (Trước ngày mai là điều không thể đấy! Có làm được không đấy?) (ashita made wa arienai yo! hontō ni dekiru no?)


このTシャツ一万円いちまんえんもするんだって! (This t-shirt costs $100, you know?) (这件T恤要1万日元!) (이 티셔츠 만 엔이나 한데!) (Nghe nói là cái áo phông này những 10000 yên đấy!) (kono t īshatsu ichi man’en mo suru n datte!)


えっ?ありえないでしょ!どこのブランド? (Unbelievable! Which brand is that from?) (诶?不可能吧!是什么牌子的?) (헐?그럴 리가 있어? 어디 브랜드?) (Hả? Không thể nào tin được, đúng không! Của thương hiệu nào vậy?) (e? arienai desho! doko no burando?)

無理むり! (muri)

No way!, Impossible! / 绝对不可能 / 무리야! / Không thể!

無理むり(muri)” means “No way! or Impossible!” and which has been used as the meaning of “to tell someone that something is impossible”. The basic way to use it is “無理むり!(No way!)”. The tips for using it are that basically the meaning of “ありえない!” and “無理むり!” is the same, however, “無理むり!” sounds “to DENY something because you can’t believe it” and “ありえない!” sounds “you can’t believe it.”, so when you want to deny what someone said, you would be able to “無理むり!” or “絶対無理ぜったいむり!” which is stronger. Everybody could use “無理むり!(No way!)” or “絶対無理ぜったいむり!(No WAY!)” in daily conversations as ONLY CASUAL. If you want to use this as polite or formal, that would be “出来できないとおもいます。(dekinai to omoi masu)”. For instance, someone says “からテレポートするよ。(I’ll teleport from now.)” and you would be able to say “絶対無理ぜったいむり!(No WAY!)” as casual and “からテレポートします。(I’ll teleport from now.)” and you would be able to say “出来できないとおもいます。(I think you can’t.)” as polite or formal.



明日あしたまでにやるよ! (I’ll finish it by tomorrow!) (我会在明天前搞定的!) (내일까지 할게!) (Tôi sẽ làm xong nó trước ngày mai!) (ashita made ni yaru yo!)


明日あしたまでは絶対無理ぜったいむりだよ!来週らいしゅうはどう? (It’s impossible to finish by tomorrow! What about next week?) (你肯定做不完的!不如延期到下周吧?) (내일까지는 절대로 무리야! 다음주는 어때?) (Trước ngày mai là điều chắc chắn không thể được đấy! Đến tuần tới thì thế nào?) (ashita made wa zettai muri da yo! raishū wa dō?)


この虫食むしたべれる? (Can you eat this insect?) (你能吃这种昆虫吗?) (이 벌레 먹을 수 있어?) (Con côn trùng này có ăn được không?) (kono mushi tabe reru?)


無理むり気持きもわるい! (No way! Disgusting!) (绝对不可能!太恶心了!) (무리야! 징그러워!) (Không thể! Nhìn thấy gớm!) (muri! kimochi warui!)

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