“de au” vs. “au”:How Native Speakers Use These Words?


de au” vs. “au“:How Native Speakers Use These Words?

What is the difference between “出会であう(de au) and う(au)”? How Native Speakers Use These Words? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

出会であう (de au)

Run into/Bump into/Meety by chance / 遇见 / 만남 / Gặp

出会であう(de au)” means “Run into / Meet by chance” and which has been used as the meaning of “to meet someone you know when you are not expecting to”. The basic way to use it “___に出会であう”, etc. For instance, “友達ともだち出会であいました(I ran into my friend.)”. The tips for using it is that when using “出会であう”, basically native speakers use “偶然ぐうぜん” or “ばったり” which means “by chance” rather using the only “出会であう” such as “昨日きのう友達ともだち偶然ぐうぜん/ばったり/たまたま出会であった(I saw my friend yesterday by chance.). Because “出会であう” is also used as the meaning of “destiny” as well, such as “運命うんめいひと(女性じょせい/男性だんせい)に出会であった(I met the woman/man of my destiny.)”. Again, when using “出会であう”, you might want to use “運命うんめい” or “ばったり”. Furthermore, you could also say “偶然ぐうぜんう”, however, “偶然ぐうぜん出会であった” is a little bit stronger meaning than it. Lastly, native speakers mostly use “出会であう” as the meaning of “destiny” than “Run into or Bump into”.

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昨日きのう高校こうこう友達ともだちえき偶然ぐうぜん出会であったの! (I ran into my high school friend at the station yesterday!) (我昨天偶尔在车站里遇到了一位高中朋友!) (어제 고등학교 친구와 역에서 우연히 만났어!) (Hôm qua tớ đã tình cờ gặp lại một người bạn hồi cấp ba ở ga đấy!) (kinō, kōkō no tomodachi to eki de gūzen de atta no!)


ついに運命うんめいひと出会であったよ。(I totally met the woman of my destiny.) (我终于遇到了命中注定的那个人。) (마침내 운명의 사람을 만났어.) (Cuối cùng tớ cũng đã gặp được định mệnh của đời mình!) (tsuini unmei no hito ni de atta yo.)


運命うんめいひと出会であいたいなー。 (I wanna meet the man of my destiny.) (我想遇到命中注定的那个人。) (운명의 사람을 만나고 싶어.) (Tớ muốn gặp được định mệnh của đời mình quá!) (unmei no hito ni de aitai na-.)


ものしてたらミクにばったり出会であったんだー。 (I ran into Miku while I was shopping.) (我去买东西时刚好遇到了美久。) (쇼핑하고 있었는데 미쿠와 딱 만났지 뭐야.) (Lúc tớ đi mua đồ đã bất ngờ gặp Miku đó!) (kaimono shite tara miku ni battari de atta nda-.)

う (au)

See (Meet) / 见面 / 만나다 / Gặp gỡ

う(au)” means “See” and which has been used as the meaning of “to meet or visit someone who you know by arrangement”. The basic way to use it “___に/とう”, etc. For instance, “明日あした友達ともだちいます(I am going to see my friend tomorrow.)”. The tips for using it is that when using “う”, basically you would see a person who you know by arrangement with an appointment. Although you could also say “偶然ぐうぜんう” as well as 出会であう and which has the meaning of “to meet by chance”, “う” doesn’t have the meaning of it, so you would say either “偶然ぐうぜんう” or “出会であう”. I’d say native speakers quite often use “偶然ぐうぜんう” than “出会であう” as the same meaning. Lastly, when you say “はじめてう” that would be “Meet (for the first time)”.



昨日きのうレイとったよ。 (I saw Rei yesterday.) (我昨天遇见了玲衣。) (어제 레이와 만났어.) (Hôm qua tớ đã gặp Rei đấy.) (kinō rei to atta yo.)


日曜日にちようび彼女かのじょよ!たのしみ! (I’m going to see my girlfriend on Saturday! Can’t wait!) (这周日就能看见她了!真期待!) (일요일에 여자친구와 만날거야! 기대중이야!) (Chủ nhật này tớ sẽ gặp cô ấy đấy! Háo hức quá!) (nichiyōbi ni kanojo to au yo! tanoshimi!)


昨日きのう、ショッピングモールでたつやのおとうさんにったよ。 (I saw your dad at the mall yesterday.) (昨天,我在购物中心遇到了达也的父亲。) (어제 쇼핑몰에서 타츠야의 아버지와 만났어.) (Hôm qua tớ đã gặp bố của Tatsuya tại trung tâm mua sắm đấy.) (kinō, shoppingumōru de tatsuya no otōsan ni atta yo.)


来週らいしゅう大阪おおさか親戚しんせきよ。 (I’m going to see my relative in Osaka next month.) (下周我要去大阪见我的亲戚。) (다음주에 오사카에서 친척들과 만날거야.) (Tuần tới tớ sẽ gặp người bà con tại Osaka đấy.) (raishū, Ōsaka de shinseki to au yo.)

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