The Complete Guide to Use “issho ni” and “tagai ni” You Need


“kekkou desu” or “daijoubu desu”:Which is Much Stronger to Refuse?

Did you notice that what the difference between “一緒いっしょに(issho ni)” and “たがいに(tagai ni)”? It is not that difficult for you to get it. Once you read this article, you would figure out the difference. Let me introduce how to correctly use “一緒いっしょに” and “たがいに” today!

一緒いっしょに (issho ni)

Together / With

一緒いっしょ(issho ni)” means “Together and With” and the basic usage of “一緒いっしょに” is “○○は___と一緒いっしょに〜する。(○○ and ___ 〜 together.)”. For instance, “わたし友達ともだち一緒いっしょにテレビをる(You and I watch TV together.), “わたしかれ一緒いっしょ夕食ゆうしょくべる。(He and I eat dinner together.), “おとうさんはおかあさんと一緒いっしょかける。(My dad and mam go out together.)” and so on. However, ordinarily, most native Japanese speakers don’t say “わたしは”, so “友達ともだち一緒いっしょにテレビをる。(You and I watch TV together.)” and “かれ一緒いっしょ夕食ゆうしょくべる。(He and I eat dinner together.)” are the much natural way to say. “○○は___と一緒いっしょに〜する”: ○○ is a subject, ___ is an object and 〜 is a verb.

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もしよかったら一緒いっしょかない? (Wanna go there together?) (如果可以的话,你愿意和我一起去吗?) (혹시 괜찮으면 같이 갈래?) (Nếu không phiền thì hay tụi mình đi chung nhé?)


つぎ一緒いっしょこうよ! (Let’s go together next time!) (下次我们一起去吧!) (다음엔 같이 가자!) (Vậy lần sau chúng mình cùng đi đi!)


一緒いっしょ写真撮しゃしんとらない? (Let’s take a picture together!) (不一起拍照吗?) (같이 사진 찍을래?) (Chụp ảnh chung nhé?)


一緒いっしょってくれるひとがいなくて・・・。わら (I have nobody who is going with me. haha) (没有可以一起陪我去的人….。笑) (같이 가 주는 사람이 없어서… 하하.) (Tớ không có ai đi cùng cả…(Cười))


友達ともだち一緒いっしょにいい? (Can I come with my wife?) (我的朋友也一起可以吗?) (친구도 같이 가는거 괜찮아?) (Tớ dẫn bạn đi cùng được không?)


これからもずっと一緒いっしょしい。 (I want you to be with me forever.) (希望之后也一直在一起。) (앞으로도 쭉 함께 있어줘. ) (Từ giờ trở đi em muốn anh ở mãi bên cạnh em.)

たがいに (tagai ni)

Each other / One another

たがいに(tagai ni)” means “Each other and One another” which native speakers usually say “おたがいに” in daily conversation. “おたがいに” sounds more polite than only “たがいに”. So, I’d recommend that you would use “おたがいに” in daily conversation. The usage of “おたがいに” is “おたがいに___する” and ___ is a verb such as “おたがいにおしう。(We teach each other.)”, “おたがいにたすう。(We help each other.)”, etc.



たがいに料理りょうりのコツをおしってるよ。 (We teach each other tips for cooking.) (我们互相教烹饪的窍门。) (서로 요리 팁을 가르쳐주고 있어.) (Bon tớ chỉ cho nhau những bí quyết nấu ăn.)


つき二回にかいたがいにメール交換こうかんをしてるよ。 (We email each other once a month.)(我们每个月互相交换两次邮件。) (한 달에 두 번 서로 메일을 교환하고 있어.) (Chúng tớ gửi tin nhắn cho nhau mỗi tháng hai lần.)


たがいに頑張がんばろうね。 (Let’s do our best each other.) (互相加油吧。) (서로 힘내자.) (Chúng ta cùng cố gắng nhé.)


たがいにおしつけわないで! (Don’t impose the roles each other.) (别勉强彼此了!) (서로 맞지 않는다니까!) (Cả hai đừng mắng mỏ lẫn nhau nữa!)


たがいにたすおうね。 (Let’s help each other.) (互相帮助吧。) (서로 상부상조하자.) (Chúng ta cùng giúp đỡ lẫn nhau nhé.)


たがいに刺激しげきってるよ。 (We’d like to work hard and encourage each other.) (彼此激励吧。) (서로 자극해주고 있어.) (Chúng tớ tạo cảm hứng cho nhau.)

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