“kiru” vs. “tsukeru”:Use Them Depending on the Goods


“kiru” vs. “tsukeru”:Use Them Depending on the Goods

What is the difference between “る(kiru) and ける(tsukeru)”? They have subtle differences. If you wear your T-shirt, which one is correct to use: “る or ける”? What about your watch? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

る (kiru)

Wear/Put on / 穿 / 입다 / Mặc

る(kiru)” means “Wear or Put on” and which has been used as the meaning of “to have clothes”. “ている(state)” means “to wear” and “る(action)” means “to put on”. “る” is used the clothes for your upper body such as shirt, T-shirt, jacket, blouse, coat, hoody, camisole, tank top etc, which mean “る” is not used the clothes for the lower body that is “はく” such as trousers, pants, jeans, leggings, skirt, slacks and etc.

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なにしてるの? (What are you doing?) (你在做什么?) (뭐해?) (Cậu đang làm gì thế?) (nani shiteru no?)


ジャケットをてるよ。 (I am putting on my jacket.) (我在穿夹克啊。) (재킷 입고 있어.) (Tớ mặc áo khoác.) (jaketto wo kiteru yo.)


来週らいしゅうのパーティーなにの? (What costume are you going to wear for the party next week?) (下周的派对你会穿什么?) (다음 주 파티에 뭐 입어?) (Cậu định mặc gì vào bữa tiệc tuần sau?) (raishū no pātī nani kiru no?)


あかいドレスかなー? (I think I’m gonna wear the red dress.) (穿红色礼服吧?) (빨간 드레스일까?) (Chắc tớ mặc váy màu đỏ.) (akai doresu kana-?)

ける (tsukeru)

Wear/Put on / 戴上 / 대다/입다 / Đeo Mang

ける(tsukeru)” means “Wear or Put on” and which has been used as the meaning of “to have only jewelry”. “けている(state)” means “to wear” and “ける(action)” means “to put on”. “ける” is used for only jewelry such as a watch, earrings, etc. Furthermore, “かぶる” is used only for “hats” such as “わたし帽子ぼうしをかぶる” which means “I put on a hat.). Again the word “ける” is used only for jewelry, not clothes, that is “る”.



なにしてるの? (What are you doing?) (你在做什么?) (뭐해?) (Cậu đang làm gì thế?) (nani shiteru no?)


時計とけいけてるよ。 (I am putting on my watch.) (我在戴手表啊。) (시계 차고 있어.) (Tớ đeo đồng hồ.) (tokei tsuketeru yo.)


来週らいしゅうのパーティーなにけるの? (What costume are you going to wear for the party next week?) (下周的派对你打算戴什么?) (다음 주 파티엔 뭐 찰거야?) (Cậu định đeo gì vào bữa tiệc tuần sau?) (raishū no pātī nani tsukeru no?)


ちょっとたか腕時計うでどけいけるよ。 (I’m gonna wear a little bit expensive wristwatch.) (戴一只有点贵的手表。) (좀 비싼 시계 찰거야.) (Tớ sẽ đeo một cái đồng hồ đeo tay đắt tiền.) (chotto takai ude dokei wo tsukeru yo.)

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