Antonym:ながい vs. みじかい
What is the difference between What is the difference between “ながい(nagai) and みじかい(mijikai)”? Which is used as the meaning of “short”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
ながい (nagai)
Long / 长 / 길다 / Dài
“ながい(nagai)” means “Long” and which has been used as the meaning of “measuring a great distance from end to end: continuing for a large amount of time”. The basic ways to use it are that “___はながい。(___ is long.)”, etc. For instance, “えんぴつはながい。(The pencil is long.)”, “待ち時間がながい。(The waiting time is long.)”, “あなたの髪はながい。(Your hair is long.)”, etc. Everyone could use “ながい” as casual, polite and formal such as “えんぴつはながいよ。(The pencil is long.)” as casual and “えんぴつはながいです。(The pencil is long.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “ながい” is “長い”.
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待ち時間が長かったよ。 (The waiting time was long.) (等待时间太长了。) (대기시간이 길었어.) (Thời gian chờ đợi đã rất lâu đấy.)
夏は日が長いです。 (The days are longer in summer.) (夏天昼长。) (여름은 낮이 깁니다.) (Mùa hè thì ban ngày dài hơn.)
長い間、集中できません。 (I can’t concentrate for a long time.) (我不能长时间集中精神。) (긴 시간은 집중할 수 없습니다.) (Tôi không thể tập trung trong một thời gian dài.)
まつ毛、長いですね。 (Your eyelashes are long, huh?) (你的睫毛好长啊。) (속눈썹이 기네요.) (Lông mi dài nhỉ.)
みじかい (mijikai)
Short / 短 / 짧다 / Ngắn
“みじかい(mijikai)” means “Short” and which has been used as the meaning of “small in length, distance, or height:”. The basic ways to use it are that “___はみじかい。(___ is short.)”, etc. For instance, “えんぴつはみじかい。(A pencil is short.)”, “待ち時間がみじかい。(The waiting time is short.)”, “あなたの髪はみじかい。(Your hair is short.)”, etc. Everyone could use “みじかい” as casual, polite and formal such as “えんぴつみじかいよ。(A pencil is short.)” as casual and “えんぴつはみじかいです。(A pencil is short.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “みじかい” is “短い。”.
待ち時間が短かったよ。 (The waiting time was short.) (等待时间很短喔。) (대기시간이 짧았어.) (Thời gian chờ đợi đã khá nhanh đấy.)
冬は日が短いです。 (The days are short in winter.) (冬天昼短。) (겨울은 낮이 짧습니다.) (Mùa đông thì ngày ngắn.)
短い間だったら、集中できます。 (I can’t concentrate for a short time.) (短时间的话能集中精力。) (짧은 시간이라면 집중할 수 있습니다.) (Tôi có thể tập trung nếu trong một thời gian ngắn.)
まつ毛、短いですね。 (Your eyelashes are short, huh?) (你的睫毛好短啊。) (속눈썹이 짧네요. ) (Lông mi ngắn nhỉ.)
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