“nemu tai” vs. “ne tai”:Why Are They Really Different?


“nemu tai” vs. “ne tai”:Why Are They Really Different?

What is the difference between “ねむたい(nemu tai) and たい(ne tai)”? Which is used as the meaning of “sleepy”?After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

ねむたい (nemu tai)

Sleepy / 困了 / 졸리다 / Buồn ngủ

ねむたい(nemu tai)” means “Go to bed” and which has been used as the meaning of “tired and wanting to sleep”. The basic ways to use it are that “___はねむたい。(___ am/is/are sleepy.)”, etc. For instance, “わたしねむたい。(I am sleepy.)”, “かれねむいようだ。(Seemingly he is sleepy.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “STATES YOU ARE SLEEPY”, unlike “たい”. Everyone could use “ねむたい” as casual, polite and formal such as “ねむたいよ。(I am sleepy.)” as casual and “ねむたいです。(I am sleepy.)” as polite and formal. Additionally, native speakers sometimes omit “た” of “ねむたい”, so that would be “ねむい” which is absolute as the same meaning, however, “ねむたい” sounds a little bit sleepy than “ねむい”.

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ねむよー。 (I’m sleepy.) (我好困啊-。) (졸려~) (Buồn ngủ quá ~.) (nemui yo-.)


ねむけど、頑張がんばります。 (I’m sleepy but I’ll do my best.) (虽然我很困,但我会坚持的。) (졸리지만 열심히 하겠습니다.) (Tôi buồn ngủ nhưng tôi sẽ cố hết sức.) (nemui kedo, ganbari masu.)


ねむたくなってきました。 (I’m getting sleepy.) (我开始困了。) (졸립니다.) (Tôi đã bắt đầu buồn ngủ.) (nemutaku natte kimashita.)


昨日きのう3時間さんじかんしかてないよね?ねむたくないの? (You slept only three hours last night, right? Aren’t you sleepy?) (你昨天才睡了3小时对吧?不困吗?) (어제 3시간밖에 못 잤지? 안 졸려?) (Hôm qua bạn chỉ ngủ được có ba tiếng thôi nhỉ? Bạn không buồn ngủ sao?) (kinō, sanji kan shika nete nai yone? nemutaku nai no?)

たい (ne tai)

I want to go to bed. / 我想睡觉 / 자고 싶다 / muốn đi ngủ

たい(ne tai)” means “I want to go to bed.” and which has been used as the meaning of “you are sleepy so you want to go to bed.”. The basic ways to use it are that “___はたい。(___ want to go to bed.)”, etc. For instance, “わたしたい。(I want to go to bed.)”, “かれは/がたいようだ。(Seemingly he wants to go to bed.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “SOMEONE WANTS TO ___ is (___したい) and in this case, “たい” means SOMEONE WANTS TO SLEEP”. Everyone could use “たい” as casual, polite and formal such as “たいなー。(I want to go to bed.)” as casual and “たいです。(I’d like to go to bed.)” as polite and formal.



たいよー。 (I want to go to bed.) (我好想睡觉哦-。) (자고 싶어~) (Tôi muốn đi ngủ rồi đấy.) (netai yo-.)


たいけど、頑張がんばります。 (I’d like to go to be but I’ll do my best.) (我想睡觉,但我会加油的。) (자고 싶지만 열심히 하겠습니다.) (Tôi muốn đi ngủ, nhưng tôi sẽ cố hết sức.) (netai kedo, ganbari masu.)


たくなってきました。 (I feel like going to bed.) (我开始想睡觉了。) (자고 싶습니다.) (Tôi đã muốn đi ngủ rồi.) (netaku natte kimashita.)


昨日きのう3時間さんじかんしかてないよね?たくないの? (You slept only three hours last night, right? Don’t you want to go to bed?) (你昨天才睡了3小时对吧?你不想睡觉吗?) (어제 3시간밖에 못 잤지? 자고 싶지 않아?) (Hôm qua bạn chỉ ngủ được có ba tiếng thôi nhỉ? Bạn không muốn đi ngủ sao?) (Kknō, sanji kan shika nete nai yone? netaku nai no?)

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