The Complete Guide to Figuring out “okoru, shikaru, donaru”


The Complete Guide to Figuring out “okoru, shikaru, donaru

Have you experienced “おこる(okoru)”, “しかる(shikaru)” or “怒鳴どなる(donaru)”? And what is the difference between them? First of all, they sound quite similar, however, they are quite different from each other. When figuring them out, your Japanese skills would improve and you’ll be able to explain a lot than now. Let me introduce how different they are today!


Get Angry At Someone

おこる(okoru)” means “get angry at someone”. It sounds pretty similar to “しかる”, however, the kanji of “おこる” has “こころ” which means “an emotion”, unlike “しかる” so when using “おこる” such as “My dad got angry at my sister” is “おとうさんはあねおこる” that means he emotionally gets at her “For himself” not for “Her future”, he does not admit what she did.

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一回いっかいもおとうさんにおこられたことなかったかも? (I wonder my dad might’ve never got angry at me even once.) (难道你一次都没有对你父亲生气过吗?) (아빠가 화내신 적은 한 번도 없을걸?) (Có lẽ bố tớ chưa bao giờ nổi giận với tớ dù chỉ một lần.) (一回いっかいもお父とうさんに怒おこられたことないかったも? それは、彼氏かれしが怒おこるの無理むりないって。 何なにそれ?怒おこるよ!?草くさ (ikkai mo otōsan ni okorareta koto na katta kamo?)

それは、彼氏かれしおこのも無理むりないって。 (It’s understandable that your boyfriend got angry.) (你的男朋友不可能不生气。) (그건 남자친구가 화내는 게 당연해.) (Cái đó bạn trai của bạn nổi giận là đúng rồi còn gì.) (sore wa, kareshi ga okoru nomo muri naitte.)

なにそれ?おこよ!?くさ (What? Are you trying to make me mad? haha) (说什么呢 我会生气的。) (뭐야 그게? 화낸다!?(웃음)) (Cái gì thế? Giận đấy!? (cười)) (nani sore? okoru yo! ? kusa)

しかる (sikaru)

Tell someone off

しかる(sikaru)” means “tell someone off”. When using “しかる” such as “My dad tells my sister off ” is “おとうさんはあねしかる” that means he does not emotionally get angry at her “For himself”, it’s “For her future” and he admits what she did. So, do your parents おこる or しかる to you? I hope all of the parents しかる(tell us off) instead of おこる(get angry at us). The passive form of “わたしは___を(に)しかる(I tell someone off)” would be “わたしは___にしかられる(I got told off by someone)”.


上司じょうし部下ぶかいをしかりました (The boss told his subordinate off for the subordinate’s behavior.) (上司对部下的行为举止很生气。) (상사는 부하의 행동을 혼냈습니다.) (Sếp la mắng hành vi của cấp dưới.) (jōshi wa buka no furumai wo shikari mashita.)

なんでゆかちゃんはおかあさんにしかられたの? (Why did Yuka got told off by your mam?) (我昨天因为很晚从学校回来,所以被妈妈骂了。) (어제 학교 끝나고 늦게 들어가서 엄마한테 야단 맞았어.) (Hôm qua tớ đi học về trễ nên đã bị mẹ la đấy. ) (nande Yuka chan wa okāsan ni shikarareta no?)

昨日きのう学校がっこうからかえってくるのがおそかったからおかあさんにしかられたよ。 (I got told off by mom for coming home late from school yesterday.) (为什么Yuka被她的母亲骂呢?) (유카는 엄마한테 왜 혼났어?) (Sao Yuka lại bị mẹ mắng vậy?) (kinō, gakkō kara kaette kuru no ga osokatta kara okāsan ni shikarareta yo.)


Yell at someone

怒鳴どなる(donaru)” means “to yell at someone”. Although using “おこる” and “しかる” are quite complicated first of all, however, using “怒鳴どなる” is not so difficult to use for you, which means “怒鳴どなる” is “someone got mad at people more than to get angry at people furthermore he/she speaks loudly that means to yell at someone. The passive form of “わたしは___を(に)怒鳴どな(I yell at someone)” would be “わたしは___を(に)怒鳴どなられる(I got yelled by someone)”.


さっき、体育たいいく先生せんせい怒鳴どなられたよ。 (I’ve got yelled by the PE teacher a while ago.) (刚刚,我挨了体育老师一顿骂。) (아까 체육 선생님한테 혼났어.) (Ban này tớ bị giáo viên thể dục quát mắng một trận.) (sakki, taiiku no sensei ni donarareta yo.)

一昨日おととい上司じょうし怒鳴どなられました (I got yelled by my boss the day before yesterday / 2 days ago.) (前天我的老板对我大吼大叫。) (그저께 상사님한테 혼났어요.) (Hôm kia tôi bị Sếp quát mắng.) (ototoi, jōshi ni donarare mashita.)

おとうと怒鳴どならないでください。 (Please don’t yell at my brother.) (不要大声骂你弟弟。) (동생을 혼내지 마세요.) (Đừng có quát tháo với em trai thế chứ.) (otōto wo dona ranaide kudasai.)

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