8 Ways To Confess Your Love This Valentine’s Day
【8 Ways To Confess Your Love This Valentine's Day】 What do you usually do on Valentine’s Day? If you are a woman or a girl, why don’t you confess your love to a man who you like? However, what kind of words should you use? And not only... -
Figure Out The Way To Use Both 専門 and 専攻
【】 “専門(senkō)” are clearly different. However, a lot of Japanese learners have been confusing the way to use them. I know you should be using these words after reading this. Why don’t you use them to native speakers? Let me introduce... -
What’s Better: 総額 or 全額 You Should Know
【 You Should Know】 総額 are very similar, however, there is a little bit different nuance. Let me introduce how you correctly use them today! [wp-svg-icons icon="checkmark-circle" wrap="i"] 総額 (zengaku) [wp-svg-icons icon="arrow-righ... -
Beginner’s Guide: Never Worry about Using 全然
【】 The way to use 全然 today! [wp-svg-icons icon="checkmark-circle" wrap="i"] 全然 (zenzen) [wp-svg-icons icon="arrow-right-2" wrap="span"] At all / Totally / Completely "全然。 (Not at all.)” after a person said "Thank you or I'm sorr... -
What’s the Difference Between “zehi”, “mochiron”, and “zettai”?
【What's the Difference Between "zehi", "mochiron", and "zettai"?】 Did you know what the difference between 是非(zettai)? These words might have been confused. But don’t worry about that. You will be using these words after re... -
“shitsubou suru” vs. ”zetsubou suru”:Which is Really Better to Use For You?
【"shitsubou suru" vs. ”zetsubou suru”:Which is Really Better to Use For You?】 Could you explain what the difference between 失望(zetsubou suru) is? The meaning of these is quite similar, however, native speakers separate these dependi... -
Commonly Confused Words: “sewa wo suru” and “mendō wo miru”
【Commonly Confused Words: "sewa wo suru" and "mendō wo miru"】 One of the commonly confused words is “世話る(mendō wo miru)” and could you explain what the difference is? The way to use them is quite different. Let me introduce what the... -
50 Japanese Interjections You Should Use: Part4
【50 Japanese Interjections You Should Use: Part4】 What kind of interjections do you usually use in Japanese? I'm going to introduce 50 Japanese interjections(Part4) you should be using in ordinal conversations with native speakers! Let... -
50 Japanese Interjections You Should Use: Part3
【50 Japanese Interjections You Should Use: Part3】 What kind of interjections do you usually use in Japanese? I'm going to introduce 50 Japanese interjections(Part3) you should be using in ordinal conversations with native speakers! Let... -
50 Japanese Interjections You Should Use: Part2
【50 Japanese Interjections You Should Use: Part2】 What kind of interjections do you usually use in Japanese? I'm going to introduce 50 Japanese interjections(Part2) you should be using in ordinal conversations with native speakers! Let...