A Complete Guide: tsumaranai and kudaranai
【A Complete Guide: つまらない and くだらない】 Have you heard about つまらない and くだらない? They sound pretty close, however, they are absolutely different from each other for natives. There are some cases that we feel つまらない abo... -
How Much Do You Really Know About “kureguremo”?
【"?】 If you want to tell something to someone from the bottom of your hart, what do you usually put words in the sentence which are "本当に___?(zettai ni___?)" I’d say there are a lot of emphasizing words for the sentence that you want... -
5 Ways We Learned From ぎりぎり (almost,close)
【5 ways We Learned From ぎりぎり】 In Japanese, ぎりぎり has some meanings such as time-wise, distance-wise, money-wise as well. So that’s why a lot of people are confused on how to use ぎりぎり. So let me introduce how to use ぎりぎり ... -
The Perfect Guide To Use “kireru” and “okoru”?
【?】 If you get angry at someone, what kind of words in Japanese do you usually use? Is that "怒る. キレる (kireru) Go ape / Go nuts / Snap "キレる(kireru)" can be used the meaning that someone can’t stand something anymore and can’t co... -
How To Solve The Biggest Problems In Using あえて and わざと.
【】 I’d say many people can correctly use わざと, however, can you correctly use あえて depending on how situations are? If you want to get more variations for speaking, then I would recommend you figure あえて out as well. So this time... -
How To Use “ikinari”, “kyū ni” and “totsuzen” The Right Way
【" and "totsuzen" The Right Way】 I’d say some people don’t get a nuance of these words, いきなり(ikinari), 急(totsuzen) because all can be translated to “Suddenly”. And I’d say you would quite often hear these words from nati... -
Are You Ready For Using いがい and あんがい?
【?】 When the results were different than you thought, then you would use 意外 clearly. 意外 (igai) ___than I thought / Surprise / Surprisingly 意外. \ Learn Japanese language online with a personal native teacher!/ Register for italk... -
“akarasama” vs “akiraka”:How Do Native Speakers Use These?
【:How Do Native Speakers Use These?】 What is the difference between "あからさま(akarasama)" and "あきらか(akiraka)"? It is a useful word that you absolutely figured something out, then you will be able to use a word is “obviously” in ... -
uttōshī vs. uzai:Which Sounds Much Stronger?
【うっとうしい vs. うざい: Which Sounds Much Stronger?】 What is the difference between “うっとうしい(uttōshī)“ and “うざい(uzai). Which sounds much stronger? After reading this, you would be able to answer. The way to use “うっとうしい”... -
とうぜん vs. あたりまえ: Why Japanese Learners Make Mistakes?
【: Why Japanese Learners Make Mistakes?】 What is the difference between “当 today! 当然 (touzen) Definitely / Of course / That’s totally obvious. Basically both ”当” below. \ Learn Japanese language online with a personal native teac...