既に vs. もう:How To Quickly Figure Them Out

Someone tell me how to use them!
When you want to use sudeni and mou which mean “Already”, But what is the difference between them? Japanese has a lot of casual and formal words and these are one of them. Since 既に and もう are useful words in ordinal conversations, try to use 既に and もう after figuring them out.
既に (sudeni) / もう (mou)
Both “既に(sudeni) and もう(mou)” are the same meaning which is “Already”.
The difference between them is that “もう(mou)” is quite casual than “既に(sudeni)”.
もう着いたの? (Have you already arrived?) (mou tsuita no) as casual
既に着きましたか? (Have you already arrived?) (sudeni tsuki mashita ka) as formal(polite)
However, “既に” is pretty formal so you could also say
もう着きましたか? (Have you already arrived?) (mou tsuki mashita ka) as polite
Thus, “もう着いたの?(mou tsuita no)” is used as casual, “もう着きましたか?(mou tsuki mashita ka)” as polite and “既に到着しましたか?(sudeni tōchaku shimashita ka)” as formal that all mean “Have you already arrived?”.
“もう(mou)” is used as casual and polite in daily conversations.
“既に(sudeni)” is used as formal(polite) especially in business situations.
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もう着いたの!? (Have you already arrived?) (你已经到了! ?) (벌써 도착했어!?) (Cậu đến nơi rồi cơ á!?)(mō tsuita no!?)

もう夜ご飯食べたの? (Have you had dinner yet?) (你吃过晚饭了吗?) (저녁 벌써 먹었어?) (Cậu đã ăn tối rồi cơ á?)(mō yoru gohan tabeta no?)

うん、もう夜ご飯食べたよー。 (Yes, I’ve already had dinner.) (是的,我已经吃过晚饭了。) (응, 이미 저녁 먹었어.) (Ừ, tớ ăn tối rồi.)(un, mō yoru gohan tabeta yo-.)

もう忙しい時期が来たよ。 (The busiest season of the year has already come.) (已经到了开始忙碌的时期。) (이제 바쁜 시기가 왔다.) (Đợt bận đến rồi đó.) (mō isogashī jiki ga kita yo.)

もう暑くなってきたねー。 (It’s already gotten hot.) (天气已经热起来了。) (이제 더워지기 시작했네.) (Trời nóng lên rồi nhỉ.) (mō atsuku natte kita ne ̄.)

既に把握しているよ。 (I’ve already grasped the situation.) (我已经掌握情况了。) (이미 알고 있어.) (Tớ đã biết rồi.) (sudeni haaku shite iru yo.)

それは既に習いましたよ。 (This’s what we already have learned.) (那个已经学过了哦。) (그건 이미 배웠어요.) (Cái đó tớ học rồi.) (sore wa sudeni narai mashita yo.)

昨日、連絡があった時は既に寝てました。 (Yesterday, when you sent a message I was already sleeping.) (昨天,你联系我的时候,我已经睡着了。) (어제 연락받았을 땐 이미 자고있었어요.) (Hôm qua lúc có cuộc gọi tôi đã ngủ mất rồi.)(kinō, renraku ga atta toki wa sudeni nete mashita.)
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