“sukoshi” vs. “shōshō”:Do You Know Which is Used As Casual?


“sukoshi” vs. “shōshō”:Do You Know Which is Used As Casual?

すこし(sukoshi) and 少々しょうしょう(shōshō) are used as the same meaning, however, there are the subtle differences. Could you explain how native speakers use depending on what situations are? Let me introduce how you correctly use them today!

すこし (sukoshi)

A little bit (Casual)

すこし(sukoshi) means “a little bit”. Although both すこし and 少々しょうしょう is used as the meaning, すこし is more casual than 少々しょうしょう. Furthermore, when you want to emphasize すこし, you would be able to put “だけ” after すこし, so that would be すこしだけ. Additionally, ちょっと is also used as the same meaning as both すこし and 少々しょうしょう, however, ちょっと sounds much casual than すこし. Thus, you might want to use ちょっと to your only friends. すこし is not that casual, so you would be able to use it in daily conversations as casual and polite.

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すこ日本語にほんごはなせるよ。 (I can speak English a little bit.) (我会说一点日语。) (일본어를 조금 할 줄 알아요.) (Tớ có thể nói một chút tiếng Nhật thôi.) (sukoshi nihongo ga hanaseru yo.)

すこだけうれしいよ。 (I’m a little flattered.) (我有一点开心。) (조금 기뻐요.) (Tớ cũng thấy hơi vui đó.) (sukoshi dake ureshī yo.)

前髪まえがみすこだけってください。 (Please cut my bangs just a little bit.) (请稍微剪一下刘海。) (앞머리를 조금만 잘라 주세요.) (Cắt cho tôi tóc mái ngắn đi một chút xíu thôi.) (maegami wosukoshi dake kitte kudasai.)

すこでもべたら? (Why don’t you eat a little bit?) (再多吃一点怎样?) (조금이라도 먹는 게 어때?) (Hay là bạn ăn một chút đi?) (sukoshi demo tabeta ra?)

ちょっとずつすずしくなってきてるね。 (It’s getting cooler little by little, isn’t it?) (渐渐的变凉快了。) (조금씩 선선해지기 시작했네.) (Trời dần dần trở nên mát mẻ ha.) (chotto zutsu suzushiku nattekite rune.)

少々しょうしょう (shōshō)

A little bit (Formal)

Again, 少々しょうしょう(shōshō) and すこし are used as the same meaning, however, it is used in business situations as formal. Apparently, native speakers prefer 少々しょうしょう to すこし in cooking such as “しお少々しょうしょう(a pinch of salt)”, “砂糖さとう少々しょうしょう(a pinch of sugar)”, etc. And in business situations, “少々しょうしょうちください” and “少々しょうしょうちいただけませんか?” is quite often used in which means “I’ll be with you in a moment.” and “Would you wait a moment, please?”. Thus ちょっと is used only for your friends, すこし is used for all of the situations as both casual and polite. Lastly, 少々しょうしょう is used in business situations as formal.


サラダにしお少々しょうしょうくわえます。 (I added a pinch of salt to the salad.) (在沙拉中加点盐。) (샐러드에 소금을 조금 뿌립니다. ) (Nêm thêm chút muối vào món salad. ) (sarada ni shio woshōshō kuwae masu.)

少々しょうしょうちください。 (I’ll be with you in a moment.) (请稍等。) (조금만 기다려 주세요.) (Vui lòng chờ một chút.) (shōshō omachi kudasai.)

ステーキに少々しょうしょうコショウをふりかけます。 (I sprinkle a pinch of pepper on a stake.) (在牛排上撒上一些胡椒粉。) (스테이크에 후추를 조금 뿌립니다. ) (Rắc chút tiêu vào món bò bít tết.) (sutēki nishōshō koshō wo furikake masu.)

あのスーパー、開店かいてんして1年いちねん少々しょうしょうでつぶれちゃったね。 (That supermarket closed down a little over a year after opening.) (那家超市开了一年多一点就停业了。) (그 슈퍼, 개점하고 1년 정도 만에 망해버렸네. ) (Cái siêu thị đó mở ra mới được hơn một năm đã phá sản mất tiêu.) (ano sūpā, kaiten shite ichi nenshōshō de tsubure chatta ne.)

うちの親父おやじ最近さいきん少々しょうしょうふとりぎみなんだ。 (My dad has been a bit on the heavy side lately.) (我父亲最近有点过胖。) (우리 아버지, 요즘 조금씩 살이 찌고 있어. ) (Bố tôi gần đầy có vẻ hơi mập mập rồi đó.) (uchi no oyaji ga saikin shōshō futori gimi na nda.)

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