Here’s The Perfect Guide to Use たいして and あまり (ない)


Here’s The Perfect Guide to Use たいして and あまり

Could you explain the difference between “たいして___ない” and “あまり___ない”? Although these words are quite similar, the nuance of these is different. Let me introduce what the difference is and how to correctly use them today!

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] たいして___ない / あまり___ない (taishite__nai / amari__nai)

[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Not really that much / Not that much

“あまり” means “Not much” and which is quite similar to “たいして”. However, they have a small difference. A degree of “たいして___ない” is smaller than “あまり___ない”. So, that’s why the nuance of between “それはたいしてちがいません(It is not really that different.)” and “それはあまりちがいません(It is not that different.)” is different. Further, basically, native speakers often use “あんまり” instead of “あまり” which is pretty formal expressions in daily conversation. However, “あまり” has been used than “あんまり” which sounds pretty childish in business situations.

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[voice icon=”” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
あんまりそこはかないかなー? (I wonder if I don’t go there often.) (我想应该不太会去那儿了吧?) (거기는 별로 안가는 걸까?) (Tớ không hay đi đến đó lắm đâu.)

[voice icon=”” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
ぼくくにではたいしてられてないよ。 (It’s not very well known in my country.) (我的国家并不怎么为人所知。) (우리나라에서는 그다지 알려져 있지 않아.) (Cái đó không được mấy ai biết đến ở nước tôi đâu.)

[voice icon=”” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
あんまりらないでしょ?くさ (You don’t know that much about it, don’t you? haha) (你并不太了解,对吗?哈哈) (그다지 잘 모르지? 하하.) (Cậu không biết gì lắm đúng không? (cười))

[voice icon=”” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
たいしてらないよね?わら (You don’t know really that much about it, don’t you? haha) (你并不怎么了解吧?笑) (그다지 잘 모르는 거지? 하하.) ( Cậu không biết rõ lắm đúng không? (cười))

[voice icon=”” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
あんまりくわしくないけどね。 (I’m not very familiar with it though.) (不太了解呢。) (그렇게 자세하게 아는건 아니야.) (Tớ không rành lắm đâu.)
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[voice icon=”” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
あんまりスタバで勉強べんきょうしたことがないかも? (I’ve never really tried studying in a Starbucks before.) (你可能很少在星巴克里学习吧?) (스타벅스에서 공부한 적은 별로 없을걸?) (Tớ chưa từng học bài ở Starbucks đâu.)

[voice icon=”” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
この芸人げいにんたいして面白おもしろくないよね? (This comedian isn’t really that funny, is he?) (这个艺人不怎么有趣,对吧?) (이 연예인, 별로 재미 없지?) (Nghệ sỹ hài này cũng không thú vị mấy nhỉ?)

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