Antonym:たかい (takai) vs. ひくい (hikui)


Antonym:たかい (takai) vs. ひくい (hikui)

What is the difference between What is the difference between “たかい(takai) and ひくい(hikui)”? Which is used as the meaning of “high”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

たかい (takai)

High, Expensive, Tall / 高 / 높다 / Cao

“たかい(takai)” means “High, Expensive and Tall” and which has been used as the meaning of “being a large distance from top to bottom”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は/がたかい。(___ is high.)”, etc. For instance, “家賃やちんがたかい。(The rent is high.)”, “あなたのはたかい。(You are tall.)”, “値段ねだんがたかい。(The price is expensive.)”, etc. Everyone could use “たかい” as casual, polite and formal such as “がたかいね。(You are tall.)” as casual and “がたかいですね。(You are tall.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “たかい” is “たかい”.

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たかそうだね。 (It looks expensive.) (它看起来很贵。) (높아보이네.) (Trông có vẻ cao nhỉ.)


こえたかいです。 (I have a high voice.) (我的声音很尖。) (목소리가 높습니다.) (Giọng nói cao vút.)


たかいですね。 (You’re tall.) (你个子好高啊。) (키가 크네요.) (Người cao nhỉ.)


おもったよりたかいね。 (It costs more than I thought.) (比我想象的要高。) (생각보다 높네.) (Cao hơn tôi nghĩ đấy.)

ひくい (hikui)

Low, Cheap, Sort / 低 / 낮다 / Thấp

“ひくい(hikui)” means “Low, Cheap and Sort” and which has been used as the meaning of “not measuring much from the base to the top”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は/がひくい。(___ is low.)”, etc. For instance, “家賃やちんがひくい。(The rent is low.)”, “あなたのはひくい。(You are short.)”, “値段ねだんがやすい。(The price is cheap.)”, etc. Everyone could use “たかい” as casual, polite and formal such as “がひくいね。(You are short.)” as casual and “がひくいですね。(You are short.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “ひくい” is “ひくい”.



どっちのドレッシングがていカロリーなの? (Which is the lower-calorie dressing?) (哪种酱汁热量比较低?) (어느 드레싱이 칼로리가 낮아?) (Nước sốt nào thì ít calo hơn vậy?)


こえひくいです。 (I have a low voice.) (我的声音很低沉。) (목소리가 낮습니다.) (Giọng nói trầm.)


ひくいですね。 (You’re short.) (你个子好矮啊。) (키가 작네요.) (Người thấp nhỉ.)


この部屋へや天井てんじょうひくいね。 (This room’s ceiling is very low.) (这个房间的天花板很低。) (이 방의 천장은 낮네.) (Trần nhà của căn phòng này thấp nhỉ.)

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