Is That Really Difference Between 訪ねる and 訪れる?


Is That Really Difference Between たずねる and おとずれる?

These words may have made you quite complicated. However, don’t worry about it. To figure them out is not difficult and you will be using them after reading this. Let me introduce what the difference between “たずねる and おとずれる” and how to correctly use them today!

たずねる (tazuneru) / おとずれる (otozureru)


たずねる and おとずれる” mean “Visit”, however, the way to use them is different. “たずねる” has been used for somebody or somewhere and “おとずれる” has been used for ONLY somewhere. For instance, You would be able to say “友達ともだちたずねる”, however, you won’t be able to say “友達ともだちおとずれる”. And although both of them can be used for somewhere, using “たずねる” is subjective than using “おとずれる”. For instance, you would be able to say “友達ともだちいえたずねる” and “友達ともだちいえおとずれる” which are both correct, however, we feel that “友達ともだちいえたずねる” is much subjective than “友達ともだちいえおとずれる”.

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来週らいしゅう東京とうきょうのおじさんをたずねるつもりなの。 (I’ll visit my uncle in Tokyo next week.) (我打算下周拜访我东京的叔叔。) (다음 주, 도쿄에 있는 삼촌을 만나러 갈 예정이야.) (Tuần sau tớ định đi thăm người chú ở Tokyo.) (raishū, Tōkyō no ojisan wo tazuneru tsumori nano.)


来週らいしゅう東京とうきょうおとずれるつもりだよ。 (I will visit Tokyo.) (我下周打算去东京哦。) (다음 주, 도쿄에 갈 예정이야.) (Tuần sau tớ định đi Tokyo đấy.) (raishū, Tōkyō wo otozureru tsumori dayo.)


一番いちばんおとずたい場所ばしょはスペインなの。 (The country that I wanna visit the most is Spain.) (我最想去的地方是西班牙。) (가장 가고 싶은 곳은 스페인이야.) ( Nơi tớ muốn ghé thăm nhất là Tây Ban Nha đấy.) (ichiban otozure tai basho wa Supein nano.)


よる10時以降じゅうじいこうたずねるのは失礼しつれいですね。 (It is rude to visit home after 10 pm.) (晚上10点以后去拜访别人是很失礼的。) (밤 10시 이후에 방문하는 건 실례에요.) (Đến thăm nhà sau 10 giờ là không phải phép nhỉ.) (yoru no jūji ikō ni tazuneru no wa shitsurei desu ne.)


もうたずねてないで! (Don’t vist me anymore!) (不要再来了!) (이제 오지 마!) (Đừng có đến nữa!) (tazunete konai de!)


次日本つぎにほんおとずれるときは、日本語にほんごでコミュニケーションしたいな。 (When I visit in Japan next time, I wanna communicate with native Japanese speakers in Japanese.) (下次去日本的时侯,我想用日语交流。) (다음에 일본에 갈 때에는, 일본어로 대화해보고 싶어.) (Tớ muốn lần sau ghé thăm Nhật có thể giao tiếp được bằng tiếng Nhật.) (tsugi Nihon wo otozureru toki wa, nihongo de komyunikēshon shitai na.)


日本にほんったらたずねるよ。 (I’ll visit you when I go to Japan.) (我去日本的话,会去看望你的。) (일본에 가면 찾아 갈거야.) (Nếu tớ đến Nhật sẽ đến thăm cậu nhé.) (nihon ni ittara tazuneru yo.)


今日誰きょうだれたずねてた? (Did anyone visit us today?) (今天有谁来了?) (오늘 누가 찾아 왔어?) (Hôm nay ai đã ghé qua vậy?) (kyō dare ka tazunete kita?)

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