“tekisetsu” vs. “tekitō”:You Should Correctly Remember These


tekisetsu” vs. “tekitō“:You Should Correctly Remember These

What is the difference between “適切てきせつ(tekisetsu) and 適当てきとう(tekitō)“? Which is a word with a double meaning? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

適切てきせつ (tekisetsu)

Appropriate/Right / 适当 / 적절한 / Thích hợp/Đúng

適切てきせつ(tekisetsu)” means “Appropriate or Right” and which has been used as the meaning of “suitable or right for a particular situation or occasion”. The basic way to use it is “___は適切てきせつだ” or “適切てきせつな___”. For instance, “あなたののコメントは適切てきせつだ。(Your comments are appropriate.), “適切てきせつなコメント(The appropriate comments)”. “適切てきせつ” is pretty formal.

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適切てきせつ表現ひょうげん使つかうのってむずかしいよねー? (Using the right phrase is difficult, isn’t it?) (很难用适当的表达吧?) (적잘한 표현을 쓰는 건 어렵지?) (Thật khó để biết cách biểu hiện sao cho phù hợp nhỉ?) (tekisetsu na hyōgen wo tsukau no tte muzukashī yo ne-?)


適切てきせつまわしがおもいつかないんだけど・・・わら (I can’t think of the right expression…haha) (虽然我想到了一个适合的说法……哈哈) (적절한 표현이 생각나지 않는데… 하하.) (Tớ không thể nghĩ ra cách diễn đạt sao cho phù hợp … (cười)) (tekisetsu na iimawashi ga omoi tsukanai n dakedo…wara)


あのとき先生せんせいのコメントはかなり適切てきせつだったね! (Our teacher’s comments were very appropriate at the time.) (那个时候老师的评论真是十分贴切呢!) (그때 선생님의 코멘트는 꽤 적절한 표현이었어!) (Lời nhận xét của thầy giáo lúc đó khá chính xác nhỉ!) (ano toki no sensei no komento wa kanari tekisetsu datta ne!)


そうだね! (I agree!) (是的呢!) (맞아!) (Đúng vậy!) (sōda ne!)

適当てきとう (tekitō)

Dodge/Evade/Randomly, etc / 恰好 / 적당히 / Tùy tiện

適当てきとう(tekitō)” means “Dodge, Evade, Randomly, etc” and which has been used as the meaning of “to avoid or escape from someone or something because it’s too much hassle to do that”. The way to use it is “適当てきとうに___する”, “___は適当てきとうだ”. For instance, “適当てきとうこたえる。(I just answered randomly.), 適当てきとうにやった。(I finished it, quick and dirty.), etc. Although “適当てきとう” has the other meaning as the “適切てきせつ“, “適切てきせつ” is more formal than “適当てきとう“. Furthermore, not only Japanese learners but native Japanese speakers also sometimes get confused when people use “適当てきとう” as the meaning of “適切てきせつ“, so even “適当てきとう” has two meaning, but basically they don’t use it as the meaning “適切てきせつ“. Lastly, “適当てきとう“: a person lightly doing something not serious.



レイって適当てきとうだよね? (Rei’s flaky, right?) (玲衣是不是做人很随便啊?) (레이는 적당히 행동하지?) (Rei khá là tuỳ tiện nhỉ?) (rei tte tekitō dayo ne?)


彼女かのじょがさー、おれ質問しつもん適当てきとうこたえたんだ!どうおもう? (My boyfriend dodged my question. What do you think?) (她呀——很敷衍地回答了我的问题哦!你怎么看?) (그녀가 말이야, 내 질문에 적당히 대답했다고! 어떻게 생각해?) (Bạn gái tớ đã trả lời câu hỏi của tớ rất hời hợt! Cậu nghĩ sao ?) (kanojo ga sa-, oreno shitsumon ni tekitō ni kotaeta nda! dō omou?)


あのとき先生せんせいのコメントはかなり適当てきとうだったね! (Our teacher’s comments were very right at the time.) (那个时候老师的评论真的很随意呢!) (그때 선생님의 코멘트는 꽤 적당했어!) (Lời nhận xét của thầy giáo lúc đó khá tùy tiện nhỉ!) (ano toki no sensei no komento wa kanari tekitō datta ne!)


そう?・・あー、適切てきせつっていう意味いみ適当てきとうね!そうだね! (Really? Ah, what you mean was “right” as the meaning of “appropriate”, wasn’t it? I agree.) (是吗?啊——是那种敷衍的场面话吧!原来是这样啊!) (그렇지? .. 아~, 적절했다는 의미가 적당이야! 그렇지.) (Vậy á? … À, tuỳ tiện mà vẫn thấy đúng nhỉ! Đúng rồi đấy!) (sō? a-, tekisetsu tte iu imi no tekitō ne! sōda ne!)

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