“tomodachi” vs “yuujin” vs “tomo”:What is The Difference?


“tomodachi” vs “yuujin” vs “tomo”:What is The Difference?

What is the difference between “友達ともだち (tomodachi), 友人ゆうじん (yuujin) and とも(tomo)”? Which is a casual way to use? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

友達ともだち (tomodachi), 友人ゆうじん (yuujin) and とも (tomo)

Friend(s) / 朋友, 朋友, 朋友 / 지인, 친구, 벗 / Bạn bè, Bạn thân, Bạn

友達ともだち (tomodachi), 友人ゆうじん (yuujin) and とも (tomo)” means “a person who you know well and who you like a lot, but who is usually not a member of your family”. The basic way to use it is “友達ともだち/友人ゆうじん/ともと___(I ___ with my friend.)”, “友達ともだち/友人ゆうじん/ともは/が___(My friend ___)” etc. For instance, “友達ともだち/友人ゆうじん/ともあそぶ。(I hang out with my friend.)”, “友達ともだち/友人ゆうじん/ともいえる。(My friend comes to my house.)”, etc. The tips for using them are that “友達ともだち” is used as casual (or polite) and a friend someone is close with, “友人ゆうじん” is used as formal and either a friend someone is close with or not, and lastly “とも” is used as poetic. That’s the difference between them. So, if a person who is not a poet, he/she doesn’t normally use “とも“. Furthermore, since “友人ゆうじん” is used in business situations as formal, it sounds a slight friend than “友達ともだち“. Everybody could use “友達ともだち” in daily conversations as casual and polite such as “友達ともだちあそぶよ。(I hang out with my friend.)” and “友達ともだちあそびます。(I hang out with my friend.)” as polite. And “友人ゆうじん” is used as polite and formal such as “友人ゆうじんあそびます。(I hang out with my friend.)”. And lastly, “とも” is used as poetic such as “ともあそぶ。(I hang out with my friend.)”.

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明日あした大学だいがく友達ともだちあそぶよ。 (I’ll hang out with a friend from university tomorrow.) (我明天会和大学朋友一起玩。) (내일은 대학 친구들과 놀거야.) (Ngày mai tôi sẽ đi chơi với bạn đại học đấy.) (ashita, daigaku no tomodachi to asobu yo.)

ミクは地元じもとおんな友達ともだちだよ。 (Miku’s just a local girl friend.) (未来是我老家的女性朋友。) (미쿠는 고향의 여사친이야.) (Miku là bạn gái cùng quê của tôi đấy.) (miku wa jimoto no on’natomodachi dayo.)

昨日きのう友達ともだち映画えいがきました。 (I went to see a movie with my friend yesterday.) (昨天我和朋友一起去看电影了。) (어제 친구와 영화를 보러 갔었어요.) (Hôm qua tôi đã đi xem phim với bạn.) (kinō,tomodachi to eiga wo mini iki mashita.)

明日あした大学だいがく友人ゆうじんあそびます。 (I’ll hang out with a friend from university tomorrow.) (我明天会和大学的朋友一起去玩。) (내일은 대학 친구와 놉니다.) (Ngày mai tôi sẽ đi chơi với bạn thân đại học.) (ashita, daigaku no yūjin n to asobi masu.)

レイは地元じもと友人ゆうじんです。 (Rei’s just a local friend.) (雷是我老家的朋友。) (레이는 고향 지인입니다.) (Ray là một người bạn thân cùng quê của tôi.) (rei wa jimoto no yūjin desu.)

昨日きのう友人ゆうじん映画えいがきました。 (I went to see a movie with my friend yesterday.) (昨天,我和朋友一起去看电影了。) (어제 지인과 영화를 보러 갔습니다.) (Hôm qua tôi đã đi xem phim với bạn thân.) (kinō,yūjin to eiga wo mini iki mashita.)

明日あした大学だいがくともあそぶ。 (I’ll hang out with a friend from university tomorrow.) (我明天会和我的大学朋友一起去玩。) (내일, 대학 친구와 논다.) (Ngày mai tôi sẽ đi chơi với bạn đại học.) (ashita, daigaku no tomo to asobu.)

レイは地元じもとともだ。 (Rei’s just a local friend.) (雷是我老家的朋友。) (레이는 고향의 벗이다.) (Ray là một người bạn cùng quê của tôi.) (rei wa jimoto notomo da.)

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