取る(toru) vs. 撮る(toru):The Absolutely Same Pronunciation


る(toru) vs. る(toru):The Absolutely Same Pronunciation

What is the difference between “る(toru) and る(toru)”? Which is used in taking a picture? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

る (toru)

Take, Get / 拿 / 가지다 / Giữ, lấy

る(toru)” means “Take or Get” and which has been used as the meaning of “to move in order to hold something in the hand, to remove something, etc”. The basic way to use it is “わたしは___をる。(I take/get ___.)”, etc. For instance, “わたしはメモをる。(I take notes.)”, “わたしはそれをる。(I get it.), etc. The tips for using it are that “る” has A LOT OF MEANING such as “メモをる(take notes)”, “ものる(get things)”, “せきる(get a table)”, “出席しゅせきる(take attendance)”, unlike “る”. Everybody could use “める” in daily conversations as casual and in business situations as formal such as “メモをったよ。(I took notes.)” as casual and “メモをりました。(I took notes.)” as formal and which is also used as polite.

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メモった (Did you take notes?) (你做笔记了吗?) (메모 했어?) (Bạn đã ghi chú lại chưa?) (memo totta?)


おはよう。いまから出席しゅっせきります (Good morning, students. I will now take attendance.) (早上好。现在开始点名。) (안녕. 지금부터 출석을 부르겠습니다.) (Chào buổi sáng. Bây giờ tôi sẽ điểm danh.) (ohayō. ima kara shusseki wo tori masu.)


さきってせきっておくね。あとからてくれたらいいよ。 (I’ll go and get a table. You can join me later.) (我先去拿位置。你们等下再来就行了。) (먼저 가서 자리를 맡아둘게. 나중에 와주면 돼.) (Tôi sẽ đi trước giữ chỗ nhé. Cậu đến sau cũng được.) (saki ni itte seki totte oku ne. ato kara kite kuretara ī yo.)


ってあげるよ。 (I’ll get it for you.) (帮你拿啦。) (가져다 줄게.) (Tôi sẽ lấy cho cậu.) (totte ageru yo.)

る (toru)

Take photos(pictures), Take videos / 拍 / 찍다 / Chụp (hình), quay (phim)

る(toru)” means “Take photos(pictures) or Take videos” and which has been used as the meaning of “the act of taking photographs or video”. The basic way to use it is “わたしは___をる。(I take ___.)”, etc. For instance, “わたし写真しゃしんる。(I take a picture.)”, “わたしはビデオをる。(I take a video.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “る” is only “TO TAKE A PICTURE OR VIDEO”, so it doesn’t have a lot of meaning, unlike “る”. Everybody could use “る” in daily conversations as casual and in business situations as formal such as “写真しゃしんったよ。(I took a picture.)” as casual and “写真しゃしんりました。(I took a picture.)” as formal and which is also used as polite.



スマホでったよ。 (I took this with my smartphone.) (我用智能手机拍的。) (스마트폰으로 찍은거야.) (Tôi đã chụp lại bằng điện thoại thông minh đấy.) (sumaho de totta yo.)


写真しゃしんりましょうか? (Would you like me to take your picture?) (要我帮你拍张照片吗?) (사진 찍을까요?) (Có cần tôi chụp hình giúp không?) (shashin tori mashou ka?)


一緒いっしょ写真しゃしんろうよ! (Let’s take a picture together!) (我们一起拍照吧!) (함께 사진 찍자!) (Cùng nhau chụp ảnh đi!) (issho ni shashin torou yo!)


動画どうがってるの? (Are you taking the video?) (你在拍视频吗?) (동영상 찍는거야?) (Bạn đang quay phim hả?) (dōga totteru no?)

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