ぜんぜん vs. ちっとも: Using These is Not That Difficult


全然ぜんぜん vs. ちっとも: Using These is Not That Difficult

Which words sound pretty childish: “全然ぜんぜん” or “ちっとも”? And which do you usually use in daily conversation with your friends? Let me introduce the way to correctly use them such as native speakers today!

全然ぜんぜん___ない (zenzen nai) / ちっとも___ない (chittomo nai)

Not at all / 完全/一点也 / 전혀/조금도/ Hoàn toàn/Một chút cũng

Both “全然ぜんぜん” and “ちっとも” mean “Not at all” and which have been used for “emphasizing a negative statement” and they have subtle differences that “全然ぜんぜん___ない” could be used in daily conversations and in public as well, whereas “ちっとも___ない” is used by basically children up to 15 years old or so. If you are over 15 years old, using “全然ぜんぜん___ない” among your friends would be better.

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ちっともなかったー。 (I didn’t know that at all!) (完全不知道。) (전혀 몰랐어-.) (Tôi không biết gì cả.) (chittomo shira nakatta-.)

全然ぜんぜん日本語にほんごができないのですが。 (I cannot speak Japanese at all.) (我根本不会说日语。) (일본어를 전혀 못합니다만.) (Tôi hoàn toàn không biết nói tiếng Nhật.) (zenzen nihongo ga deki nai no desu ga.)

全然ぜんぜんないよー。 (They don’t look alike at all.) (看起来完全不像。) (전혀 안 닮았어.) (Hoàn toàn không giống chút nào!) (zenzen nite nai yo-.)

昨日きのう全然ぜんぜんなかったよ。 (I wasn’t able to sleep at all yesterday.) (昨天根本睡不着。) (어제는 한숨도 못 잤어.) (Hôm qua tớ hoàn toàn không ngủ được.) (kinō wa zenzen nere nakatta yo.)

ちっともなかったー。 (I didn’t know that at all!) (一点也不知道。) (하나도 몰랐어.) (Tớ không biết tí gì cả.) (chittomo shira nakatta-.)

ちっとも日本語にほんごができないんだけどー。 (I cannot speak Japanese at all.) (一点日语都不会说。) (일본어 조금도 못하는데.) (Tớ không nói được tí tiếng Nhật nào cả.) (chittomo nihongo ga deki nai n dakedo-.)

ちっともないよー。 (They don’t look alike at all.) (看起来一点也不像。) (조금도 안 닮았어.) (Chả giống chút nào cả.) (chittomo nite nai yo-.)

昨日きのうちっともなかったよ。 (I wasn’t able to sleep at all yesterday.) (昨天我一點兒也沒能睡著。) (어제는 조금도 못 잤어.) (Hôm qua tớ chẳng ngủ được chút nào cả.) (kinō wa chittomo nere nakatta yo.)

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