A Slang You Need To Know : 最悪
We sometimes have too bad situations, when spending our time, don’t we? I’d say there’s a lot of these terrible situations which are depending on people. In those cases, you could use 最悪(saiaku). Today, let me introduce how you correctly use 最悪(saiaku).
最悪 (saiaku)
It sucks / Terrible / Worst
最悪 can be used that someone thinks “It sucks, it is terrible or it is worst”. Natives quite often use 最悪 with emotion of anger or depression after happening terrible situations, such as someone lost a new phone which was quite expensive, someone’s new car was stolen, someone didn’t make it just in time to catch the train / airplane and etc. And Natives also 最低 as the meaning of 最悪. 最低 can be used to especially people who are so rude or suck. Not only 最悪 can be used just one word, but it can also be used 最悪な____, such as 最悪なホテル (The hotel sucks), 最悪な日 (The terrible day), 最悪な会社 (The worst company) and so on.
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も〜、人生最悪! (Man, my life sucks!) (啊 真是遇到了这辈子最倒霉的事!) (아, 진짜 너무 싫어!) (Ôi trời, tồi tệ nhất trong đời!)
あのレストラン、マジ最悪! (That restaurant really sucks.) (那个餐厅真的很差!) (그 레스토랑은 진짜 최악이야.) (Cái nhà hàng đó, tệ khủng khiếp!)
それは最悪だね! (That sucks.) (那真是太糟糕了呀!) (그건 진짜 싫을 만하네.) (Thế thì thật tệ nhỉ!)
最悪!誰かが僕の席を取ってる! (It sucks! Somebody’s got my seat.) (真倒霉!谁占用了我的坐位!) (정말 싫어! 누가 내 자리를 뺏었다고!) (Quá tệ! ai đó lấy mất chỗ tôi rồi!)
初対面の印象は最悪だったよ! (The first time we met, I had a terrible impression on you.) (我对他的第一印象很差呢!) (첫인상은 정말 최악이었어!) (Ấn tượng về lần gặp đầu tiên rất tệ đấy!)
いつも最悪のシナリオは考えているよ。 (I’ve been thinking that the worst case scenario will happen.) (我经常會考虑到最坏的状况。) (언제나 최악의 시나리오를 생각하고 있어.) (Lúc nào tôi cũng nghĩ về tình huống xấu nhất đấy.)
彼氏と別れたよ。今日は、人生で最悪の日! (I broke up with my babe. Today is the worst day of my life!) (我和男朋友分手了。今天真是我人生最糟糕的一天。) (남자친구랑 헤어졌어. 오늘은 정말 인생 최악의 날이야!) (Tôi đã chia tay với bạn trai đấy. Hôm nay là ngày tệ nhất trong đời.)
お前最低だな! (You suck!) (你这个家伙真渣!) (너 정말 최악이다. ) (Cậu tệ thật thôi!)
あなたって最低ね! (You suck!) (你真的很差劲呀!) (넌 정말 최악이구나.) (Anh quả thật tệ!)
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