Best Way To Use “saboru”:Japanese Slang

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Best Way To Use “saboru”:Japanese Slang

Have you heard of さぼる(saboru) from your friends, teachers or even show-biz? さぼる is one of the Japanese slangs and has been quite often used by native speakers. When using さぼる, it sounds like native speakers. After figuring out the way to use さぼる, why don’t you use it? Let me introduce what さぼる is and how you correctly use it today!

さぼる (saboru)

Skip / Ditch / Blow it off / Slack off

“さぼる(saboru)” means “skip, ditch, blow it off and slack off”. For example,会議かいぎをサボる(skip the meeting), 学校がっこうをさぼる(ditch school), 授業じゅぎょうをさぼる(ditch class), 会社かいしゃをサボる(blow off work), and 仕事しごとをサボる(slacks off). さぼる is actually one of the Japanese slangs, however, it has been used by everyone ranging from children to adults. But you might want to use さぼる for people who you get along with. Not to use it for your boss and business letters. In this case, you might want to use やすむ, instead of さぼる. Furthermore, the verb conjugation of さぼる would be さぼります, さぼる, さぼらない, さぼった and さぼらなかった. Additionally, the same meaning of さぼる is ずるやすみ.

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社会しゃかい授業じゅぎょうサボって映画えいがきたいなー。 (I wanna skip my social studies class to watch the movie.) (好想跷掉社会课去看电影哦——。) (사회 수업 땡땡이 치고 영화나 보러 가고 싶다.) (Mình muốn trốn tiết học xã hội để đi xem phim quá.) (shakai no jugyō wo sabotte, eiga wo mini ikitai na-.)


さぼったら? (Why don’t you skip it?) (要不你就翘课吧?) (땡땡이 치는 건 어때?) (Cậu cứ trốn chứ sao?) (sabottara?)


木田きだくんがスポーツ観戦かんせんくために授業じゅぎょうサボってたよ。 (Kida-kun skipped class to go watch sports.) (木田同学因为去看运动比赛,所以跷课了哦。) ( 기무라 군이 스포츠 경기를 보러 가기 위해 수업을 빼먹었어.) (Cậu Kida đã trốn lớp trốn tiết để đi xem trận đấu thể thao đó.) (Kida kun ga supōtsu kansen ni iku tameni jugyō wo sabotteta yo.)


すみません、今日きょう会議かいぎやすみします。 (Sorry, I’ll skip the meeting today.) (对不起,我将缺席今天的会议。) ( 죄송합니다, 오늘은 회의를 쉬겠습니다.) (Tôi xin lỗi, hôm nay tôi sẽ vắng mặt trong cuộc họp.) (sumimasen, kyō wa kaigi wo oyasumi shimasu.)


今日きょう学校がっこうサボろうよー。 (Why don’t we ditch school today?) (今天来翘课嘛——。) (오늘은 학교 땡땡이 치자.) (Hôm nay trốn học đi.) (kyō wa gakkō saborou yo-.)


学校がっこうサボっておれいえなよ。 (Ditch class and come my home.) (翘课来我家嘛。) (학교는 땡땡이치고 우리 집에 와.) (Trốn học đến nhà tôi đi.) (gakkō sabotte ore no ie ni kina yo.)


今日きょう学校がっこうサボりたいなー。 (I wanna ditch school today.) (今天好想翘课哦——。) (오늘은 학교 땡땡이 치고 싶다.) (Mình muốn trốn học quá.) (kyō wa gakkō saboritai na-.)


みつる、ずるやすしたのがばれたみたいだね。 (I heard Mitsuru got caught ditching.) (Mitsuru无故旷课的事好像被发现了耶。) (미쓰루, 꾀병으로 쉰 게 들통난 모양이네.) (Mitsuru, có vẻ như việc nghỉ học đã bị phát hiện rồi nhỉ.) (Mitsuru, zuru yasumi shita no ga bareta mitai dane.)

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