“kyūjitsu” vs. “shukujitsu” vs. “teikyūbi”:Which Will You Relax at Home?


“kyūjitsu” vs. “shukujitsu” vs. “teikyūbi”:Which Will You Relax at Home?

What is the difference between “休日きゅうじつ(kyūjitsu), 祝日しゅくじつ(shukujitsu) and 定休日ていきゅうび(teikyūbi)“? Which would you relax at home? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

休日きゅうじつ (kyūjitsu)

Day off / 假日 / 휴일 / Ngày nghỉ

休日きゅうじつ(kyūjitsu)” means “Day off” and which has been used as the meaning of “A day off is a day when you do not go to work or school”. The basic way to use it is “___は休日きゅうじつです。(___ is my day off.)”. For instance, “明日あした休日きゅうじつです。(Tomorrow is my day off.)”, etc. The tips for using it is used as “either A DAY OFF YOU TOOK or ALL OF THE DAYS OFF includes on Saturdays and Sundays and even public holidays as well”. Everybody could use it in both casual and business situations. Basically, our “休日きゅうじつ” are Saturdays and Sundays. For your information, “振替休日ふりかえきゅうじつ” is “a day off in-lieu”.

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休日きゅうじついえでのんびりするのがきなんだー。たつやは? (On my days off, I like to stay at home and relax. What about you, Tatsuya?) (假日的时候我喜欢在家里悠闲的度过。达也呢?) (휴일은 집에서 쉬는 게 좋아. 타츠야는?) (Ngày nghỉ tớ thích ở nhà thư giãn, Tatsuya thì sao?) (kyūjitsu wa ie de nonbiri suru no ga suki nanda-. tatsuya wa?)


休日きゅうじつはいつですか? (When is your days off?) (假日是什么时候啊?) (휴일은 언제입니까?) (Ngày nghỉ là ngày nào vậy ạ?) (kyūjitsu wa itsu desu ka?)


旅行りょこうくから2日間ふつかかん休日きゅうじつとったんだー。 (I’m taking two days off to go on a trip.) (因为要去旅游所以请了2天假。) (여행을 가니까 2일간 휴가 냈어.) (Tớ sẽ đi du lịch nên đã lấy 2 ngày nghỉ.) (ryokō ni iku kara futsuka kan kyūjitsu totta nda-.)

祝日しゅくじつ (shukujitsu)

Public holiday / 法定假期 / 공휴일/ Bank holiday, Ngày lễ

祝日しゅくじつ(shukujitsu)” means “Public holiday or Bank holiday” and which has been used as the meaning of “a holiday generally established by law and is usually a non-working day during the year”. The basic way to use it is “___は祝日しゅくじつです。(___ is a public holiday.)”. For instance, “明日あしたは 祝日しゅくじつです。(Tomorrow is a public holiday.)”, etc. The tips for using it is “HOLIDAYS established by LAW”. Everybody could use it in both casual and business situations. “祝日しゅくじつ” is not fixed.



日本にほん祝日しゅくじつがたくさんあるってってた? (Did you know that we have a lot of national holidays in Japan?) (你知道日本有很多法定假期吗?) (일본은 공휴일이 많은 걸 알고 있었어?) (Cậu có biết là Nhật Bản có rất nhiều ngày lễ chứ?) (nihon wa shukujitsu ga takusan aru tte shitteta?)


休日きゅうじつ祝日しゅくじつかさなっちゃった。 (My days off and the public holidays overlap.) (休假和法定假日重叠在一起了。) (휴일에 공휴일이 겹쳐 버렸어.) (Ngày lễ bị trùng với ngày nghỉ mất rồi!) (kyūjitsu ni shukujitsu ga kasa natchatta.)


明日あした祝日しゅくじつだからやすみだよ。 (We have tomorrow off because it’s a holiday.) (明天是法定假日,所以我放假哦。) (내일은 공휴일이니까 쉬는 날이야.) (Mai là ngày lễ nên được nghỉ đấy!) (ashita wa shukujitsu dakara yasumi dayo.)

定休日ていきゅうび (teikyūbi)

Regular day off / 休息日 / 휴무일 / Ngày nghỉ định kì, ngày nghỉ cố định

定休日ていきゅうび(teikyūbi)” means “Regular day off” and which has been used as the meaning of “A shop/company take regular days off”. The basic way to use it is “___はこのみせ/会社かいしゃ定休日ていきゅうびです。(___ is this shop’s/company’s regular days off.)”, etc. For instance, “明日あしたはこのみせ/会社かいしゃ定休日ていきゅうびです。(Tomorrow is this shop’s/company’s regular days off.)”, etc. The tips for using it is used as the meaning of “regular days off for SHOPS or COMPANIES”. So, we don’t say “明日あしたわたし定休日ていきゅうびです。” which is wrong. “明日あしたは(わたしの)休日きゅうじつです。(Tomorrow is my day off.)” sounds natural.



らなかったー。このみせ定休日ていきゅうびって今日きょうなんだー。 (I didn’t know that this shop’s regular day off is today.) (我都不知道原来今天是这家店的休息日。) (몰랐어! 이 가게 정기휴무일이 오늘이구나.) (Tớ không hề biết, ngày nghỉ cố định của quán này lại vào hôm nay. ) (shirana katta-. kono mise no teikyūbi tte kyō nanda-.)


毎週火曜日まいしゅうかようびはこの会社かいしゃ定休日ていきゅうびだよ。 (Tuesdays are this company’s regular days off.) (每个星期二都是这家公司的休息日。) (매주 화요일, 이 회사는 휴무일이야.) (Thứ ba hàng tuần là ngày nghỉ cố định của công ty này đấy!) (mai shū kayōbi wa kono kaisha no teikyūbi dayo.)


ここの本屋ほんや毎週水曜日まいしゅうすいようび定休日ていきゅうびだよ。 (This coffee shop’s regular day off is Wednesdays.) (这里的书店休息日是每周的星期三。) (여기 책방은 매주 수요일이 정기휴일이야.) (Hiệu sách này nghỉ cố định thứ tư hàng tuần đấy.) (koko no hon’ya wa mai shū suiyoubi ga teikyūbi dayo.)

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