“todoku” vs. “todokeru”:Really? They Have Subtle Differences


“todoku” vs. “todokeru”:Really? They Have Subtle Differences

What is the difference between “とどく(todoku) and とどける(todokeru)”? Which is a more natural Japanese? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!


Be delivered, Arrive / 送到 / 도착 / Đến” “Giao đến

とどく(todoku)” means “Be delivered or Arrive” and which has been used as the meaning of “to be taken goods, letters, parcels, etc. to people’s houses or places of work”. The basic way to use it is “___がとどく。(___ is delivered)”, etc. For instance, “商品しょうひんとどく。(Goods are delivered)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “とどく” is used as the meaning of “A PERSON GET GOODS/PRODUCTS”, unlike “とどける”. Although “とどく” is also used as “reach”, I focused on the difference between “とどく” and “とどける” in this time. Everybody could use “とどく” in daily conversations as casual and in business situations as formal such as “商品しょうひんとどいたよ。(Goods were delivered.)” as casual and “商品しょうひんとどきました。(Goods were delivered.)” as formal and which is used as polite.

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注文ちゅうもんしてたものとどいたよー! (What you ordered arrived.) (我订的东西到了!) (주문했던 물건이 도착했어!) (Đồ mà tôi đặt hàng đã đến rồi đấy!) (chūmon shiteta mono ga todoita yo-!)


宅急便たっきゅうびんとどいたみたい。 (Apparently, my package is being delivered.) (快递好像送到了。) (택배가 도착한 것 같아.) (Có vẻ như đồ chuyển phát nhanh đã đến rồi.) (takkyūbin ga todoita mitai.)


とどのにどのくらいかかりそうですか? (How long will it take to arrive?) (到货需要多长时间?) (도착하는데 얼마나 걸릴 것 같습니까?) (Mất khoảng bao lâu thì đồ đến nơi?) (todoku no ni donokurai kakari sōdesu ka?)


とどまでに時間じかんがかかるかもしれないね。 (It might take a long while until it arrives.) (可能需要一段时间才能到达。) (도착할 때까지 시간이 걸릴지도 모르겠네.) (Cho tới lúc đồ gửi tới nơi có thể sẽ hơi mất thời gian đấy nhỉ.) (todoku made ni jikan ga kakaru kamo shirenai ne.)

とどける (todokeru)

Deliver, Bring / 去送 / 전달 / chuyển đến

とどける(todokeru)” means “Deliver or Bring” and which has been used as the meaning of “to take goods, letters, parcels, etc. to people’s houses or places of work”. The basic way to use it is “わたしはAをBにとどける。(I deliver A to B.)”, etc. For instance, “わたし会社かいしゃ商品しょうひんとどける。(I deliver goods to an office.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “とどける” is used as the meaning of “A PERSON DELIVER GOODS/PRODUCTS”, unlike “とどく”. Everybody could use “とどける” in daily conversations as casual and in business situations as formal such as “会社かいしゃ商品しょうひんとどけたよ。(I delivered goods to an office.)” as casual and “会社かいしゃ商品しょうひんとどけました。(I delivered goods to an office.)” as formal and which is used as polite.



いまからとどます! (I’ll deliver it right away.) (我现在就送过去!) (지금부터 전달하겠습니다!) (Bây giờ tôi sẽ giao đến.) (ima kara todoke masu!)


出来立できたてのピザをとどもらえますか? (Can you deliver a pizza fresh out of the oven, please?) (你能给我送新鲜出炉的比萨饼吗?) (갓 만든 피자를 가져다주실 수 있을까요?) (Có thể giao đến cho tôi một cái pizza mới làm xong không?) (dekitate no piza wo todokete morae masu ka?)


明日あした直接ちょくせつとどね。 (I’ll deliver it tomorrow in person.) (我明天会直接送到。) (내일 직접 가져다줄게.) (Tôi sẽ giao nó trực tiếp vào ngày mai nhé.) (ashita, chokusetsu todokeru ne.)


友達ともだちいえかばんとどけたよ。 (I delivered his bag to his house.) (我把书包送到朋友家。) (친구 집에 가방을 전달했어.) (Tôi đã chuyển cái túi đến nhà của bạn tôi rồi đấy.) (tomodachi no ie ni kaban wo todoketa yo.)

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