What is The Difference Between “simekiri” and “kigen”?


What is The Difference Between “simekiri” and “kigen”?

り(simekiri) and 期限きげん(kigen)” are quite similar, so Japanese learns may have been complicated about them. However, the difference between them is only one. When you figure one point out, the way to use り and 期限きげん could be clear and understandable to you. Let me introduce how you clearly figure it out today!

り (simekiri)


り(simekiri)” has just one meaning which is “deadline” for the submission such as tasks, homework, reports, documents of contracts and etc, unlike 期限きげん. If someone does not make the deadline for the submission, he/she would be taken a penalty such as paying money, the boss might get angry at him/her, losing the contacts and etc. Basically, someone has to keep り(the deadline), unlike 期限きげん. And it is often written “exp. 2/28/2018 (US), exp. 28/2/2018 (UK). The difference between them is that り has these penalties and 期限きげん does not have these ones.

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この宿題しゅくだいはいつ? (When is the deadline for this homework?) (这个作业什么时候截止?) (이 숙제 기한이 언제까지지?) (Hạn bài tập về nhà là bao giờ đấy?) (kono shukudai no shimekiri wa itsu?)


来週らいしゅう金曜日きんようびだよ。 (The next Friday is the deadline.) (截止日是下周五哦。) (기한은 다음 주 금요일이야.) (Hạn chót là thứ sáu tuần sau đấy.) (shimekiri wa raishū no kin’yōbida yo.)


ギリギリにわったー! (I finished it just before the deadline!) (好险在截止日之前做完了。) (아슬아슬하게 마감 전에 끝났다~!) (Xong hết rồi, vừa sát kỳ hạn!) (shimekiri girigiri ni owatta-!)


あせるっ!ちかい! (I’m upset! The deadline is coming up soon!) (好着急,截止日马上就要到了!) (초조해! 마감이 코앞이야!) (Cuống quá! Sắp đến hạn rồi!) (aseru! shimekiri ga chikai!)

期限きげん (kigen)


期限きげん(kigen)” means “expire” and is different from り. Unlike り, 期限きげん is used as the various meanings such as for foods, passports, driver licenses, certificates, etc. Although り has the penalties, 期限きげん does not have “those penalties” which I have mentioned earlier or it comes to an end or stops being in use. 期限きげん is a length of time and is often written “exp. 2/28/2018 (US), exp. 28/2/2018 (UK) as well.



2週間にしゅうかん期限きげんれるね。 (It will expire in two weeks.) (两周后到期。) (2주면 기한이 다 되겠어.) (Còn hai tuần nữa là hết hạn nhỉ.) (ni shū kan de kigen ga kireru ne.)


賞味期限しょうみきげんっていつまで? (When does the date expire on that?) (赏味期限到什么时候?) (유통기한은 언제까지야?) (Hạn sử dụng là đến bao giờ vậy?) (shōmi kigen tte itsu made?)


あれ?ゆかのパスポート有効期限ゆうこうきげんぎてない? (Wait! Yuka’s passport has expired, hasn’t it?) (嗯? Yuka的护照不是过期了吗?) (어라? 유카 너, 여권 유효기간 지난 거 아냐?) (Ủa? Hộ chiếu của Yuka hết hạn rồi hay sao ý.) (are? Yuka no pasupōto yūkō kigen sugi tenai?)


まだ大丈夫だいじょうぶだけど、だいぶ有効期限ゆうこうきげんせまってるねー。 (It’s still all right but it will expire quite soon.) (虽然目前还好,但是已经快到截止日期了。) (아직은 괜찮은데, 유효기한이 거의 다 됐네.) (Vẫn ổn chỉ gần hết hạn rồi thôi.) (mada daijōbudakedo, daibu yūkō kigen ga sematteru ne-.)

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