Run over:”hiku” Japanese Phrase #425


Run over:”hiku” Japanese Phrase #425

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “ひく。(hiku)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!


Run over / 轧到 / 치다 / tông, đụng, đâm

When you want to describe “to hit someone or something with a vehicle and drive over them”, you would be able to use “ひく。(hiku)” which means “Run over”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual and “ひきます。(hiki masu)” polite and formal.

Sample 1


昨日きのう、もうすこしでおとこをひくところだったよ。 (I almost ran over a boy yesterday.) (昨天,我差点儿轧到一个男孩。) (어제 자칫하면 남자애를 칠 뻔 했어) (Hôm qua suýt tý nữa là tôi đã tông phải một thằng bé rồi.)


えっ?安全運転あんぜんうんてんしてね! (Really? You should drive safely!) (啊?要注意安全驾驶啊!) (뭐? 안전운전 해야지!) (Hả? Cậu phải lái xe cẩn thận đi chứ!)

Sample 2


友達ともだちのおにいさんがおんなをトラックでひいたらしいです。 (I heard my friend’s brother ran over a girl by a truck.) (我朋友哥哥的卡车好像到轧了一个女孩。) (친구의 오빠가 여자애를 트럭으로 치었다고 하네요.) (Nghe nói là anh trai của bạn tôi đã đâm xe tải vào một bé gái.)


そのあと、どうなったんですか? (How was she after that?) (然后呢?有没有怎么样?) (그래서 어떻게 됐어요?) (Sau đó, mọi chuyện như thế nào?)


大丈夫だいじょうぶだったみたいです。 (It seemed like she was all right.) (最后好像没事。) (괜찮았나 봐요.) (Nghe nói là mọi chuyện đã ổn rồi.)

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