Antonym:おおきい vs. ちいさい
What is the difference between What is the difference between “おおきい(ookii) and ちいさい(chiisai)”? Which is used as the meaning of “small”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
おおきい (ookii)
Big / 大 / 크다 / lớn, to
“おおきい(ookii)” means “Big” and which has been used as the meaning of “large in size or amount”. The basic ways to use it are that “___はおおきい。(___ is big.)”, etc. For instance, “家はおおきい。(The house is big.)”, “車はおおきい。(The car is big.)”, “リンゴはおおきい。(An apple is big.)”, etc. Everyone could use “おおきい” as casual, polite and formal such as “リンゴはおおきいよ。(An apple is big.)” as casual and “リンゴはおおきいよ。(An apple is big.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “おおきい” is “大きい。”.
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どれが3番目に大きいの? (Which one is the third biggest?) (哪个是第三大的?) (어느 것이 세 번째로 큰거야?) (Cái nào lớn thứ ba vậy?)
もっと大きいサイズが欲しいです。 (I want the larger size.) (我想要再大一号的。) (더 큰 사이즈를 갖고 싶습니다.) (Tôi muốn cỡ lớn hơn.)
家、大きいですね。 (Your house is big.) (你家好大啊。) (집이 크네요.) (Ngôi nhà to nhỉ.)
これは僕には大きすぎたよ。 (It was too big for me.) (这对我来说太大了。) (이건 나한테 너무 커.) (Cái này to quá đối với tôi đấy.)
ちいさい (chiisai)
Small / 小 / 작다 / nhỏ
“ちいさい(chiisai)” means “Small” and which has been used as the meaning of “little in size or amount when compared with what is typical or average”. The basic ways to use it are that “___はちいさい。(___ is small.)”, etc. For instance, “家はちいさい。(The house is small.)”, “車はちいさい。(The car is small.)”, “リンゴはちいさい。(An apple is small.)”, etc. Everyone could use “ちいさい” as casual, polite and formal such as “リンゴはちいさいよ。(An apple is small.)” as casual and “リンゴはちいさいよ。(An apple is small.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “ちいさい” is “小きい。”.
どれが3番目に小きいの? (Which one is the third smallest?) (哪个是第三小的?) (어느 것이 세 번째로 작은 거야?) (Cái nào nhỏ thứ ba vậy?)
もっと小きいサイズが欲しいです。 (I want the smaller size.) (我想要再小一号的。) (더 작은 사이즈를 갖고 싶습니다.) (Tôi muốn cỡ nhỏ hơn.)
家、小きいですね。 (Your house is small.) (你家好小啊。) (집이 작네요.) (Ngôi nhà nhỏ nhỉ.)
これは僕には小さすぎたよ。 (It was too small for me.) (这对我来说太小了。) (이건 나한테 너무 작아.) (Cái này quá nhỏ đối với tôi đấy.)
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