Antonym:あつい (atsui) vs. さむい (samui)
What is the difference between What is the difference between “あつい(atsui) and さむい(samui)”? Which is used as the meaning of “hot”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
あつい (atsui)
Hot / 热 /덥다 / Nóng
“あつい(atsui)” means “Hot” and which has been used as the meaning of “having a high temperature”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は/があつい。(___ is hot.)”, etc. For instance, “朝はあつい。(It gets hot in the morning.)”, “私はあつい、(I’m hot.)”, “東京はあつい。(It is hot in Tokyo.)”, etc. Everyone could use “あつい” as casual, polite and formal such as “東京はあついよ。(It is hot in Tokyo.)” as casual and “東京はあついです。(It is hot in Tokyo.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “あつい” is “暑い”.
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今日暑くない? (It’s hot outside today, isn’t it?) (你不觉得今天很热吗?) (오늘 덥지 않아?) (Hôm nay trời có nóng không?)
最近暑くなってきました。 (It’s getting hot these days.) (最近突然变热了呢。) (최근 더워졌습니다.) (Gần đây, thời tiết đã nóng lên.)
暑すぎないですか? (Is it not too hot for you?) (今天未免太热了吧?) (너무 덥지 않습니까?) (Thời tiết nóng quá phải không?)
さむいのよりは暑いほうが好きだよ。 (I prefer hot weather to cold weather.) (和寒冷的冬天相比,我宁愿热一点。) (추운 것보다는 더운 게 좋아.) (Tôi thích trời nóng hơn là lạnh.)
さむい (samui)
Cold / 冷 / 춥다 / Lạnh
“さむい(samui)” means “Cold” and which has been used as the meaning of “at a low temperature”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は/がさむい。(___ is cold.)”, etc. For instance, “朝はさむい。(It gets cold in the morning.)”, “私はさむい、(I’m cold.)”, “東京はさむい。(It is cold in Tokyo.)”, etc. Everyone could use “さむい” as casual, polite and formal such as “東京はさむいよ。(It is cold in Tokyo.)” as casual and “東京はさむいです。(It is cold in Tokyo.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “さむい” is “寒い”.
今日寒くない? (It’s cold outside today, isn’t it?) (你不觉得今天很冷吗?) (오늘 춥지 않아?) (Hôm nay trời có lạnh không?)
最近寒くなってきました。 (It’s getting cold these days.) (最近变冷了。) (최근 추워졌습니다.) (Gần đây, thời tiết đã dần lạnh hơn.)
寒すぎないですか? (Is it not too cold for you?) (今天未免太冷了吧?) (너무 춥지 않나요?) (Thời tiết lạnh quá phải không?)
さむいのよりは寒いほうが好きだよ。 (I prefer cold weather to hot weather.) (和炎热的夏天想必,我宁愿冷一点。) (더운 것보다는 추운 게 좋아.) (Tôi thích trời lạnh hơn là nóng.)
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