A Complete Guide: つまらない and くだらない
Have you heard about つまらない and くだらない? They sound pretty close, however, they are absolutely different from each other for natives. There are some cases that we feel つまらない about something, but it is not くだらない in our daily life. Let me introduce what the difference between つまらない and くだらない are today.
つまらない (tsumaranai)
Uninteresting / Boring / Snooze
つまらない is used as the meaning that someone doesn’t want to do something anymore because that is uninteresting, boring or snooze for him/her. However, it does not mean nonsense, stupid, worthless and silly such as くだらない.
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つまらないねー。 (It’s boring.) (无聊啊。) (재미없다~) (Nhàm chán nhỉ!)

つまらなそうな演説っぽいね。 (The speech seems to be uninteresting.) (好像很无聊的演讲啊。) (지루해보이는 연설 같네.) (Bài phát biểu có vẻ nhàm chán nhỉ!)

ほんとつまんない話だね。 (That’s so boring story.)(真是无聊的话。) (정말 시시한 이야기네.) (Thật là câu chuyện nhàm chán nhỉ.)
くだらない (kudaranai)
Worthless / Nonsense / Stupid / Silly
くだらない means “worthless / nonsense / stupid / silly “. So,くだらない is the much stronger meaning than つまらない. If someone feels something boring, he/she could use つまらない and furthermore if someone feels something boring+worthless, he/she could use くだらない. So, つまらない is not worthless rather it may be worth. However, someone is just uninteresting.

笑っちゃうほどくだらないな。 (It’s so stupid and laughable.)(愚蠢到要笑的程度。) (웃음이 나올정도로 엉성해.) (Ngớ ngẩn đến phát cười ra ấy.)

くだらないこと言わないでよ。 (Don’t say such stupid things.) (别说废话了。) (말같지 않은 소리 하지마.) (Đừng có nói những điều vớ vẩn nữa đi!)

あの映画、マジくだらなかったよ。 (That movie was so worthless.) (那部电影 真的好没意思啊) (그 영화 진짜 재미없더라.) (Bộ phim đó thực sự là vô vị ấy.)
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