I don’t quite understand.:”anmari wakarimasen” Japanese Phrase #523
Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “あんまり分かりません。(anmari wakarimasen)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!
あんまり分かりません。(anmari wakarimasen)
I don’t quite understand. / 我不太明白。 / 잘 모르겠습니다. / Tôi không hiểu lắm.
When you want to say “>I don’t quite understand.”, you would be able to use “あんまり分かりません。(anmari wakarimasen)”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual and “あんまり分からないよ。(anmari wakaranai yo)” is used as polite and formal.
Sample 1

分かりましたか? (Did you understand it?) (你明白了吗?) (알겠습니까?) (Bạn đã hiểu chưa?)

あんまり分かりません。 (I don’t quite understand.) (我不太明白。) (잘 모르겠습니다.) (Tôi không hiểu lắm.)
Sample 2

分かった? (Got it?) (你明白了吗?) (알았어?) (Bạn đã hiểu chưa?)

あんまり分からないよ。 (I don’t quite get it.) (我不太明白。) (잘 모르겠어.) (Tôi chưa hiểu lắm.)

どこが分からないの? (What part of it didn’t you understand?) (哪里不明白?) (어디가 몰라?) (Bạn chưa hiểu chỗ nào?)
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