Senile:”boke te iru” Japanese Phrase #391


Senile:”boke te iru” Japanese Phrase #391

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ぼけている。(boke te iru)

Senile / 糊涂。 / 치매가 있다. / Bị lẩm cẩm.

When you want to describe “showing poor mental ability because of old age, especially being unable to think clearly and make decisions”, you would be able to use “ぼけている。(boke te iru)” which means “Senile”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual and “ぼけています。(boke te i masu)” is used as polite and formal. Japanese often omit “て” of “ぼけている”, so that would be “ぼけてる(boke te ru)”.

Sample 1


おじいちゃんはちょっとボケてるんだ。 (My grandpa is a little bit senile.) (我的爷爷有点老糊涂了。) (할아버지는 약간 치매기가 있어) (Ông tôi hơi bị lẩm cẩm rồi.)


そうなんだ。仕方しかたないよ。 (Oh, I see. It can’t be helped.) (这样啊。唉,无奈啊。) (그렇구나. 어쩔 수 없지.) (Ra là vậy. không có cách nào khác.)

Sample 2


おばあちゃんはぼけてきています。 (My grandmother is getting senile.) (我的祖母开始痴呆了。) (할머니는 치매가 오고있습니다.) (Bà tôi cũng đang dần bị lẩm cẩm.)


としをとってぼけるのは自然しぜんなことですよ。 (It’s natural to become senile as we get older.) (变老之后痴呆是很自然的事。) (나이가 들어 치매가 오는 것은 자연스러운 일이에요.) (Càng già thì bị lẩm cẩm đi là chuyện tự nhiên mà.)


そうですよね。 (I agree.) (没错。) (그렇죠) (Đúng là như vậy.)

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