“chii”, “tachiba” and “ichi”:Don’t Get Confused About These
I’d say 地位 (chii), 立場 (tachiba) and 位置 (ichi) are the quite complicated words for you guys, however, after reading this, they would be clear. Let me introduce the way to correctly use them today!
地位 (chii)
Position / 地位 / 지위 / Địa vị
“地位 (chii)” means “Position” and which has been used for their rank and status. “地位” is often expressed “地位が高い(hight position) and 地位が低い(low position)”.
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彼は地位が高いらしいよ。 (I’ve heardn he is a man/woman of high position.) (那个人的地位好像很高的样子欸。) (그 사람은 지위가 높은 것 같아.) (Người đó có vẻ có địa vị đấy.) (kare wa chii ga takai rashī yo.)

地位が安定してるんだ。 (I have a stable position.) (我的地位很稳固。) (지위가 안정되어 있어.) (Vị trí của tôi đang ổn định.) (chii ga antei shiteru nda.)

社会的地位を得たいよ〜。 (I wanna gain social status.) (我想获得社会地位〜) (사회적 지위를 얻고 싶어~) (Tôi muốn có được một địa vị trong xã hội.) (shakaiteki chii wo etai yo~.)
立場 (tachiba)
Standpoint / 立场 / 입장 / lập trường
“立場 (tachiba)” means “Standpoint” and which has been used much wider than “地位“. You won’t be able to say “立場が高い”, unlike “地位“. “立場がある” is correct. So, “立場” won’t be able to been expressed “high and low” such as “私の立場からは何も答えられません。(I can’t say at all from my standpoint.)”.

もし僕がゆかの立場なら、白を選ぶかなぁ。 (If I were you, I would choose it white.) (如果我是由香的话,我应该会选择白色。) (만약에 내가 유카의 입장이라면 흰색을 고를까?) (Nếu tớ là Yuka tớ sẽ chọn màu trắng.) (moshi boku ga Yuka no tachiba nara, shiro wo erabu kanā.)

相手の立場になって考えないとね! (You gotta try to put yourself in his/her shoes.) (我必须站在对方的立场思考!) (상대의 입장에서 생각해야 해!) (Phải đứng ở lập trường đối phương để suy nghĩ!) (aite no tachiba ni natte kangae naito ne!)

厳しい立場だね。 (You’re in a difficult position.) (这是一个艰难的状况。) (어려운 입장이구나.) (Đúng là một vị trí khó khăn nhỉ!) (kibishī tachiba dane.)
位置 (ichi)
Point / 位置 / 위치 / vị trí
“位置 (ichi)” means “Point” and which doesn’t matter if his position is high or low, it has been used as the meaning of “a place where someone or something is located or has been put.”.

停車位置はどこ? (Where is a stopping point?) (停车的位置在哪里?) (주자장은 어디야?) (Điểm dừng xe ở đâu vậy?) (teisha ichi wa doko?)

この位置でいい? (Is it in the right place?) (这个位置可以吗?) (이 위치로 괜찮아?) (Vị trí này được chứ?) (kono ichi de ī?)

位置について、用意、ドン! (On your mark, get set, go!) (各就各位!预备!跑!) (제자리에서, 준비, 땅!) (Vào vị trí, sẵn sàng, bắn!) (ichi ni tsuite, yōi, don!)
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