“chiisai” vs. “chiisana”:Have You Noticed Their Difference?


“chiisai” vs. “chiisana”:Have You Noticed Their Difference?

What is the difference between “ちいさい(chiisai)” and “ちいさな(chiisana)”? For instance, “ちいさい文字もじ” and “ちいさな文字もじ“. After reading this, you would be figuring out the difference between these. Let me introduce how you correctly use them today!

ちいさい (chiisai)

Small / 小 / 작다 / Nhỏ

ちいさい(chiisai)” means “Small” and which has been used as the meaning it is “a size that is less than normal or usual” that describes the fact of something as an objective reality. For instance, “これはちいさいいえです” means “This is a small house.” and it simply states the fact that the house is small, unlike “これはちいさないえです”。

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かおちいさいね。 (You have a small face.) (脸很小啊。) (얼굴이 작네.) (Mặt bạn nhỏ nhỉ!) (kao gachīsai ne.)

おとちいさいよ。 (The voice is soft.) (声音很小呢。) (소리가 작아.) (Tiếng nhỏ quá.) (oto gachīsai yo.)

ちいさい文字もじめないよ。 (I can’t read the small letters.) (字太小我没办法看呀。) (작은 글자라서 못 읽어.) (Chữ nhỏ quá tớ không đọc được.) (chīsai moji de yomenai yo.)

ちいさいふくだね。 (The wear is small.) (小小的衣服。) (작은 옷이네.) (Quần áo nhỏ nhỉ.) (chīsai fukuda ne.)

ちいさな (chiisana)

Small/Solely / 小的 / 작은 / Rất nhỏ

ちいさな(chiisana)” also means “Small” and which has been used as the meaning it is “a size that is less than normal or usual” that describes the fact of something as subjective with an emotion. For instance, “これはちいさないえです” means “This is a small house.”, however, when people say this sentence, they emotionally describe the fact that the house is small as subjective, so they may say “ちいさないえだね” instead of “これはちいさいいえです” which is pretty formal in using “ちいさな”. Further, basically adults and over 12-15 years old don’t use the word “ちいさな” which is pretty childish for native speakers even if you got excited and describe something is small. If adults use “ちいさな” when describing something, that would be for the children.


ちいさなかおだね! (What a small face you have!) (真是张小脸啊!) (작은 얼굴이네!) (Mặt nhỏ nhỉ!) (chīsana kaoda ne!)

ちいさなおとだね! (What a small voice it is!) (很小的声音!) (작은 소리네!) (Tiếng nhỏ nhỉ!) (chīsana otoda ne!)

ちいさな文字もじでめないよ! (What a small letters that I can’t read!) (字太小我看不到。) (작은 글자라서 못 읽어!) (Chữ nhỏ quá tớ không đọc được!) (chīsana moji de yomenai yo!)

ちいさなふくだね。 (What a small wear!.) (小件的衣服。) (작은 옷이네.) (Quần áo nhỏ nhỉ.) (chīsana fukuda ne.)

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