だんだん and じょじょに: What is The Difference in Nuance


だんだん and 徐々じょじょに: What is The Difference in Nuance

You’d figure out the way to use “だんだん” and “徐々じょじょに” after reading this. Even if you don’t figure them out, don’t worry about it. You’d understand the way to use “だんだん” and “徐々じょじょに”. Let me introduce how to correctly use them today!

だんだん___ (dandan) / 徐々じょじょに__ (jojoni)

Be getting ___, Gradually / 慢慢, 渐渐 / 점점, 천천히 / Dần dần, Từ từ

“だんだん___ and 徐々じょじょに___” mean ” Be getting ___ and Gradually” and which have been used for the meaning of “If something changes or is done, it changes or it is done in small stages over a long period of time, unlike suddenly”. “だんだん___” is casual than “徐々じょじょに__”. Although using “だんだん___” is not childish and you would be able to use it in daily conversations, you might want to use “徐々じょじょに__” in business situations. The basic way to use them is “だんだん___する” and “徐々じょじょに__する”. Among your friends, using “だんだん” is better rather using “徐々じょじょに__” which is a little formal for your friends.

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だんだんれてきた。 (I’m getting used to it.) (我渐渐习惯了。) (점점 익숙해졌어.) (Tớ đã quen dần rồi.) (dandan narete kita.)

ぼく日本語にほんごだんだんよくなってきているとおもいます。 (I think my Japanese is getting better.) (我想我的日语越来越好了。) (제 일본어는 점점 좋아지고 있는 것 같습니다.) (Tôi nghĩ tiếng Nhật của tôi đang dần dần trở nên tốt hơn.) (boku no nihongo dandan yoku natte kite iru to omoi masu.)

だんだんふとってきた。くさ (I’m getting fat. hehe) (我越来越胖了。可恶) (점점 살 찌고 있어. 하하.) (Tớ đang dần dần béo lên (cười).) (dandan futotte kita. kusa)

だんだんくもってきたね! (It’s getting cloudy, huh.) (天气正渐渐地转阴!) (점점 흐려지고 있어!) (Mây đen đang dần dần kéo đến!) (dandan kumotte kita ne!)

徐々じょじょよくなってるがする。 (I feel I’m getting better gradually.) (一切感觉正在慢慢地变好。) (점차 좋아지고 있는 기분이야.) (Tớ đang cảm thấy từ từ tốt lên.) (jojoni yoku natteru ki ga suru.)

徐々じょじょ理解りかいしてきました。 (I’m starting to understand.) (我慢慢地明白了。) (천천히 이해하고 왔어요.) (Tôi đã từ từ hiểu ra.) (jojoni rikai shite kimashita.)

徐々じょじょ中国ちゅうごくでも流行はやってきています。 (It’s gradually getting popular in China too.) (这东西逐渐在中国流行起来了。) (점점 중국에서도 유행하고 있어요.) (Nó dần trở nên phổ biến sang đến cả Trung Quốc.) (jojoni Chūgoku demo hayatte kite imasu.)

徐々じょじょあたたかくなってきたね。 (It starts getting warmer outside.) (天气慢慢地暖和起来了。) (점점 따뜻해지고 있어.) (Trời đang từ từ ấm lên nhỉ.) (jojoni atatakaku natte kita ne.)

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