Do You Recognize Mistakes Of Using “sae” and “sura”?


Do You Recognize Mistakes Of Using “sae” and “sura“?

I’d say using さえ and すら are quite confusing words for Japanese learners, however, the big difference between さえ and すら is just one. So, don’t worry about using さえ and すら. You will be figuring them out. Let me introduce how to easily use さえ and すら today.

さえ (sae) / すら (sura)


When using さえ and すら, something is nothing special and everybody can do something. Using さえ and すら are the actual same meaning and for emphasizing words, however, the way to use さえ and すら is just one big difference that using すら is for your boss or a writing word, whereas using さえ is for the others such as your friends, family or who else. さえ and すら are sometimes used as a little bit ironic words. For example, 子供こどもさえ/すらできる “Even children can do that, (you’re adults, right?)” and さるさえ/すらできる “Even monkeys can do that.(you’re are human, right?)” which mean someone who said 子供こどもさえ/すらできる and さるさえ/すらできる might have been ironically using to people who can’t do about it. Additionally, you won’t be able to use すら to the subjunctive mood. For instance, もしきみ“さえ”いくれたら、しあわせです。 (I’ll be happy as long as you’re beside me.) is correct, however, もしきみ“すら”いてくれたら、しあわせです。 is wrong.

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京都きょうとにはったことすらありません。 (I have never even been to Kyoto.) (甚至连京都都没去过。) (교토에는가본 적 조차 없어요. ) (Tôi thậm chí còn chưa đến thăm Kyoto.) (kyōto ni wa itta koto sura arima sen.)

そこにはったことすらないよ。 (I’ve never even been there.) (那儿我连去都没去过。) (거기에는 가본 적조차 없어 .) (Tôi thậm chí chưa từng đến đó.) (soko ni wa itta koto sura nai yo.)

子供こどもさえこのことをってるよ。 (Even children know this thing.) (连小孩子都知道这种事哟。) (애들조차도 이건런 것들을 알고 있어.) (Ngay cả một đứa trẻ cũng biết điều này.) (kodomo sae ko no koto wo shitteru yo.)

そこには扇風機せんぷうきさえなかったよ。 (There wasn’t even a fun.) (那边连电风扇都没有呢。) (거기에는 선풍기조차도 없었어.) (Ở đó đến cả quạt cũng không có đâu.) (soko ni wa senpūki sae nakatta yo.)

さようならを時間じかんすらなかったよ。 (There wasn’t even time to say good-bye.) (甚至连说再见的时间都没有。) (작별인사를 말할 시간조차 없었어.) (Thậm chí còn không có thời gian để nói lời tạm biệt.) (sayōnara wo iu jikan sura nakatta yo.)

このへんにはなにもないよ。コンビニでさえもね。 (There is nothing around here and even convenience stores.) (这周围什么都没有 甚至连便利店也没有。) (이 주변에는 아무것도 없어. 편의점조차도 말이지.) (Chẳng có gì quanh đây cả. Ngay cả đến cửa hàng tiện lợi.) (kono hen ni wa nani mo nai yo. konbini de sae mo ne.)

そんなの子供こどもさえできるよ。 (Even children can do it.) (这种事连小孩子都会做的) (그런 건 것쯤은 애들이라도 할 수 있어.) (Ngay cả một đứa trẻ như vậy cũng có thể làm được.) (son’na no kodomo de sae dekiru yo.)

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