“dokidoki” vs. “wakuwaku”:Which is Used As “I’m so excited”?


“dokidoki” vs. “wakuwaku”:Which is Used As “I’m so excited”?

What is the difference between “ドキドキ(dokidoki) and ワクワク(wakuwaku)”? Which is used as “I’m so excited.”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

ドキドキする(dokidoki suru)

My heart is beating/pounding so fast! / Nervous / 心跳 / 울렁울렁 / Hồi hộp, căng thẳng

“ドキドキする(dokidoki suru)” means “My heart is beating/pounding so fast! or Nervous” and which has been used as the meaning of “worried and anxious”. The basic way to use it is “ドキドキする。(My heart is beating/pounding so fast! or I’m nervous)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “ドキドキする。” is used for “BOTH GOOD AND BAD MEANING”. For instance, “かれそうなひとがいるからドキドキする。(My heart is beating/pounding so fast because there’s a person looks scary.)” as the bad meaning and “俳優はいゆう握手あくしゅするからドキドキする。(My heart is beating/pounding so fast(I’m nervous) because I’ll shake hands with an actor.)” as the good meaning. Everyone could use “ドキドキする。” as casual, polite such as “ドキドキするよ。(My heart is beating/pounding so fast. / I’m nervous)” as casual and “ドキドキします。(My heart is beating/pounding so fast. / I’m nervous)” as polite. And “緊張きんちょうします。(My heart is beating/pounding so fast.)” as formal(polite).

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はつデートで水族館すいぞくかんったときはすごいドキドキしたよ。わら (When we went to the aquarium on our first date, my heart was beating so fast! hehe) (第一次去水族馆约会的时候真是让我紧张了。笑) (첫 데이트로 수족관에 갔을 때 엄청 두근두근거렸어 ㅎㅎ) (Lúc đi thủy cung trong buổi hẹn hò đầu tiên tôi đã cực kỳ hồi hộp đấy. Hihi) (hatsu dēto de suizokukan ni itta toki wa sugoi dokidoki shita yo. wara)


めちゃくちゃ緊張きんちょうしてるからドキドキする! (My heart is pounding because I’m so nervous!) (因为超级紧张嘛,我的心一直在跳!) (너무 긴장돼서 두근두근거려!) (Vì quá căng thẳng mà tim tôi đập thình thịch!) (mechakucha kinchō shi teru kara dokidoki suru!)


日本語にほんごのレッスンまえはいつもすこドキドキします (Before taking a Japanese lesson, I always get a little nervous.) (在上日语课之前,我总会有点紧张。) (일본어 수업 전에는 언제나 조금씩 긴장이 됩니다.) (Trước các tiết học tiếng Nhật tôi luôn cảm thấy có chút căng thẳng.) (nihongo no ressun mae wa itsumo sukoshi dokidoki shimasu.)


一人ひとりでクラブにくなんてドキドキするよ。 (My heart is beating fast that I’m going to the club by myself.) (一个人去酒吧真的好紧张啊。) (혼자서 클럽에 간다니 긴장돼.) (Khi đến các Club một mình tim tôi cứ đập loạn xạ cả lên ấy!) (hitori de kurabu ni iku nante dokidoki suru yo.)

ワクワクする。(wakuwaku suru)

I’m so excited. / 兴奋 / 두근두근 / Hồi hộp, háo hức

“ワクワクする。(wakuwaku suru)” means “I’m so excited.” and which has been used as the meaning of “you are so happy that you cannot relax, especially because you are thinking about something pleasant that is going to happen to you.”. The basic way to use it is “ワクワクする。(I’m so excited.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “ワクワクする。” is ONLY used for “a GOOD MEANING, unlike “ドキドキする。”. For instance, “あなたの手紙てがみとどくなんてワクワクする!(I’m so excited about receiving your letter!)”. Although, you would also say “あなたの手紙てがみとどくなんてドキドキする!(My heart is beating so fast about receiving your letter!)”, this meaning include “worried or nervous” and “excited”. Probably, the letter would say pretty big news for you or something, unlike “あなたの手紙てがみとどくなんてワクワクする!(I’m so excited about receiving your letter!)”. Again, although “ドキドキする。” is used such as “ワクワクする。”, it has a meaning “worried or nervous”. So before your first date, did you feel “ワクワク” or “ドキドキ”, I’d say most people felt “ドキドキ”, however, some of them might have felt only “ワクワク”. Everyone could use “ワクワクする。” as casual, polite such as “ワクワクするよ。(I’m so excited.)” as casual and “ワクワクします。(I’m so excited.)” as polite. And “期待きたいふくらみます。(I’m so excited.)” as formal.



ワクワクする (I’m so excited!) (我很期待啊!) (두근두근거려!) (Tôi rất háo hức!) (wakuwaku suru!)


ワクワクしてきた (I’m getting excited!) (我已经兴奋起来了!) (두근거리기 시작했어!) (Tôi đã bắt đầu cảm thấy háo hức!) (wakuwaku shite kita!)


かんがえただけでもワクワクしてきます (I’m getting excited just thinking about it.) (只是想想都会让我很兴奋。) (생각만으로도 두근대기 시작해요.) (Chỉ cần nghĩ đến thôi tôi cũng cảm thấy háo hức.) (kangaeta dake demo wakuwaku shite kimasu.)


みんなでクラブにくなんてワクワクするよ。 (I’m so excited that we are going to the club.) (大家一起去酒吧玩真是很兴奋啊。) (다같이 클럽에 간다니 두근두근거려.) (Tôi rất háo hức khi được cùng mọi người đi đến Club chơi.) (min’na de kurabu ni iku nante wakuwaku suru yo.)

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