How was it?:”dou datta?” Japanese Phrase #530
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どうだった?(dou datta?)
How was it? / 怎么样? / 어땠어? / Thế nào rồi?
When you want to say “How was it?”, you would be able to use “どうだった?(dou datta?)”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual and “どうでしたか?(dou deshita ka?)” is used as polite and formal.
Sample 1

先週、旅行に行ったよ。 (I went on a trip last week.) (我上周去旅行了。) (지난 주 여행 갔었어.) (Tuần trước tôi đã đi du lịch đấy.)

どうだった? (How was it?) (怎么样?) (어땠어?) (Thế nào?)

楽しかったよ! (I had a good time!) (玩得很开心!) (즐거웠어!) (Rất vui đấy!)
Sample 2

昨日、映画を見ました。 (I saw a movie.) (我昨天看了一部电影。) (어제 영화 봤어요.) (Hôm qua, tôi đã đi xem phim.)

どうでしたか? (How was it?) (怎么样?) (어땠어요?) (Bộ phim thế nào?)

最高でした! (That was the best!) (太棒了!) (최고였습니다!) (Tuyệt vời!!!)
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