Have a six pack:”fukkin ga warete iru” Japanese Phrase #389


Have a six pack:”fukkin ga warete iru” Japanese Phrase #389

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “腹筋ふっきんれている。(fukkin ga warete iru)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!

腹筋ふっきんれている。(fukkin ga warete iru)

Have a six pack / 有腹肌。 / 복근이 멋지게 생기다. / Có cơ bụng, Cơ bụng nổi lên.

When you want to describe “the well-developed muscles of a man’s stomach”, you would be able to use “腹筋ふっきんれている。(fukkin ga warete iru)” which means “Have a six pack”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual and “腹筋ふっきんれています。(fukkin ga warete i masu)” is used as polite and formal. As you might already know, Japanese often omit “が or を” in daily conversations especially as casual, so in this case, “腹筋割ふっきんわれてる”.

Sample 1


最近さいきんきんトレはじめたよ。 (I’ve recently started working out.) (最近,我开始了肌肉训练。) (요즘에, 근육 운동 시작했어) (Gần đây, tôi đã bắt đầu tập luyện cơ bắp đấy.)


腹筋割ふっきんわれてるの? (Do you have a six pack?) (你有腹肌了吗?) (복근 생겼어?) (Bạn có cơ bụng không?)


まだだけど・・・。 (Not yet though…) (虽然还没有……) (아직이지만…) (Chưa có, nhưng mà…)

Sample 2


腹筋ふっきんれてるひとがタイプです。 (A man who has a six pack is my type.) (我喜欢的类型是有腹肌的人。) (복근이 멋진 사람을 나는 좋아합니다.) (Người có cơ bụng là tuýt người tôi thích.)


よし、きんトレはじめるか・・・ (Then, I’ll start to work out…) (好的,我来开始练肌肉好了……) (그럼, 근육 운동 시작해볼까….) (Được ròi, có nên bắt đầu luyện tập cơ bụng không ta.)

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