Cheer up!:”genki dashite!” Japanese Phrase #162


Cheer up!:“genki dashite!” Japanese Phrase #162

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “元気げんきだして!(genki dashite)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!

元気げんきだして!(genki dashite)

Cheer up! / 打起精神来! / 기운 내! / Vui lên!

When you want someone to feel happier or more cheerful, you would be able to use “元気げんきだして!(genki dashite)” which means “Cheer up!”. It is the word everyone uses as both casual and formal. The polite way to use it is “元気げんきだしてください!(genki dashite kudasai)”. When someone is down, why don’t you use this phrase?

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Sample 1


また彼女かのじょにフラれちゃった・・・ (I was damped by my girlfriends again…) (我又被女朋友甩了…) (또 여자친구한테 차였어…) (Tớ lại bị bạn gái bỏ rồi …) (mata kanojo ni furare chatta)


焼肉食やきにくたべにこうよ!元気げんきだして! (Let’s go eat Korean barbeque! Cheer up!) (我们去吃烧肉吧!打起精神来!) (불고기 먹으러 가자! 기운 내!) (Thôi đi ăn thịt nướng đi! Vui lên đi!) (yakiniku tabe ni ikou yo! genki dashite!)


ありがとう。 (Thank you.) (谢谢。) (고마워.) (Cảm ơn cậu nhé!) (arigatō.)

Sample 2


また試験しけんちゃったー・・・ (I failed the exam gain…) (我又落榜了…) (또 시험 떨어졌어…) (Tôi lại thi trượt rồi …) (mata shiken ni ochi chatta-…)


つぎはきっと上手うまくよ。元気げんきだして! (Better luck next time. Cheer up!) (下次一定会很顺利的。打起精神来吧!) (다음엔 틀림없이 잘 될거야! 기운 내고!) (Lần sau chắc chắn sẽ tốt hơn mà. Vui lên đi!) (tsugi wa kitto umaku iku yo. genki dashite!)


うん、頑張がんばる!ありがとう。 (Yeah, I’ll try my best! Thank you.) (是呢,我会加油的!谢谢。) (그래, 힘낼게! 고마워.) (ừm,tớ sẽ cố gắng.cảm ơn nhé.) (un, ganbaru! arigatō.)

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