“gohan” vs. “shokuji”: An Easy Way to Use Them You Gotta Know


“gohan” vs. “shokuji”: An Easy Way to Use Them You Gotta Know

If you want to invite someone to eat out, what do you usually say? “食事しょくじきませんか?” or “ごはんかない?” or other phrases? And after having a meal, what kinds of phrases do you often use? “ごはんべたよ” or “食事しょくじをしたよ” or something? Did you know what the difference between “食事しょくじ” and “ごはん” is? These words are quite often used in daily conversations, aren’t they? Let me introduce how to correctly use them today!

はん (gohan) / 食事しょくじ (shokuji)


“ごはん (gohan) and 食事しょくじ (shokuji)” mean “Meal”. However, they have subtle differences. The difference between “ごはん” and “食事しょくじ” is pretty simple that “ごはん” is used in daily conversations as casual and “食事しょくじ” is used in business situations as formal. The way to use “ごはん” is that “ごはんべる。(I have a meal.)”, “ごはんべた。(I had a meal.)”, “ごはんつくる。(I cook.)”, “ごはんく。(I eat out.)”, etc. Whereas the way to use “食事しょくじ” is that “食事しょくじをする。(I have a meal)”, “食事しょくじをした。(I had a meal.)”, “食事しょくじつくる。(I cook)”, “食事しょくじく。(I eat out),” etc. Although “ごはん” means “rice”, “ごはん” has been often used as the meaning of the “meal”. Not only children use “ごはん” but adults also use it in daily conversations as casual, however, you might want to avoid using “ごはん” in businesssituations or official places. Although “あさはん” is “Breakfast”, “ひるはん” is “Lunch” and “よるはん” is “Dinner”, you wouldn’t be able to use “朝食事あさしょくじ“, “昼食事ひるしょくじ” and “夜食事よるしょくじ” which are the wrong way to use “食事しょくじ“.

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さっきはんべたよ。 (I had a meal earlier.) (刚刚吃过饭了。) (방금 밥 먹었어.) (Ban nãy tớ đã ăn cơm rồi. ) (sakki gohan tabeta yo.)

さっき食事しょくじをしたよ。 (I had a meal earlier.) (我刚才吃了一顿饭。) (방금 식사 했어. ) (Ban nãy tớ đã dùng bữa rồi. ) (sakki shokuji wo shita yo.)

今日きょうそとはんべるよ。 (I’m going to eat outside today.) (今天在外面用餐。) (오늘은 밖에서 밥 먹을 거야.) (Hôm nay tớ sẽ ra ngoài ăn cơm nhé.) (kyō wa soto degohan wo taberu yo.)

今日きょうそと食事しょくじをするよ。 (I’m going to eat outside today.) (我今天出去吃饭。) (오늘은 밖에서 식사할 거야.) (Hôm nay tớ sẽ ra ngoài ăn hàng nhé.) (kyō wa soto deshokuji wo suru yo.)

いつもおいしいはんつくってくれてありがとう! (Thank you for always making delicious food.) (谢谢你总是给我做如此好吃的饭菜!) (언제나 맛있는 밥을 만들어 줘서 고마워!) (Cám ơn vì luôn nấu cơm ngon cho tớ!) (itsumo oishīgohan wo tsukutte kurete arigatō!)

いつもおいしい食事しょくじつくってくれてありがとう! (Thank you for always making delicious food.) (谢谢你总是给我做如此美味的佳肴!) (언제나 맛있는 식사를 준비해 줘서 고마워!) (Cám ơn vì đã luôn nấu cho tôi những bữa ăn ngon!) (itsumo oishīshokuji wo tsukutte kurete arigatō!)

みずはんわないよー。 (The water and food disagree with me. ) (水和米饭不对味呢。) (물이나 밥이 맞지 않아..) (Nước với đồ ăn không hợp khẩu vị tớ.) (mizu yagohan ga awanai yo-.)

みず食事しょくじわないわー。 (The water and food disagree with me. ) (水和饭菜不对味啊。) (물이나 식사가 맞지 않아…) (Đồ ăn thức uống không hợp khẩu vị của tôi.) (mizu yashokuji ga awanai wa-.)

今度こんどはんべにこうよ。 (Let’s eat out sometime!) (下次一起去吃饭吧!) (다음에 같이 밥 먹으러 가자.) (Lần tới mình cùng đi ăn nhé.) (kondogohan tabe ni ikou yo.)

今度こんど食事しょくじしようよ。 (Let’s eat out sometime!) (下次一起去用餐吧!) (다음에 식사라도 같이 하자.) (Lần tới chúng ta cùng đi dùng bữa nhé.) (kondoshokuji shiyou yo.)

はんかない? (Why don’t we go out?) (不去吃饭吗?) (밥 먹으러 안 갈래?) (Đi ăn cơm không?) (gohan ikanai?)

食事しょくじきませんか? (Would you like to go out?) (去不去吃饭?) (식사하러 가지 않을래요?) (Bạn có muốn đi ăn không?) (shokuji ni ikimasen ka?)

はん美味おいしかった? (How did you like your meal?) (这饭好吃吗?) (밥은 맛있었어?) (Cơm có ngon không?) (gohan oishikatta?)

食事しょくじはいかがでしたか? (How did you like your meal?) (这顿饭如何?) (식사는 어떠셨어요?) (Bữa ăn có ngon không ạ?) (shokuji wa ikaga deshita ka?)

レストランのはんでおなかこわしたわー。 (That meal at the restaurant gave me a stomach ache.) (餐厅的饭害我吃坏肚子。) (레스토랑 밥을 먹고 배가 아파.) (Tớ bị đau bụng vì đồ ăn trong nhà hàng đó.) (resutoran nogohan de onaka wo kowashita wa-.)

レストランの食事しょくじでおなかこわしたっぽい。 (It sounds that meal at the restaurant gave me a stomach ache.) (好像是餐厅的饭害我吃坏肚子。) (레스토랑의 식사 때문에 배가 아픈 것 같아.) (Bụng tớ kiểu đau đau vì đồ ăn trong nhà hàng.) (resutoran noshokuji de onaka wo kowashita ppoi.)

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