“hakkiri” vs. “shikkari“:A Simple Guide To Telling The Difference
Apparently, people studying Japanese got pretty complicated how to use “はっきり(hakkiri) and しっかり(shikkari)” which sound quite similar. However, are they really the same meaning? The answer is ‘No’ and rather they are quite different from each other. Let me introduce how to correctly use はっきり and しっかり today!
Clearly / Straight / Exact
“はっきり(hakkiri)” means “Clearly, Straight and Exact” and which is an adverb so the basic way to use it is “はっきり___(verb)する” such as “はっきり言う (clearly say)”, “はっきり話す(clearly speak)”, “はっきり聞こえる(clearly hear)”. Furthermore, “はっきりした___(noun)” is also used such as “はっきりしたヒント(clear hint), “はっきりした原因(exact cause)”, “はっきりした声(clear voice)” etc.
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はっきり言ってよ! (Please make it clear what you wanna say.) (干脆点儿说吧!) (확실하게 말해!) (Nói rõ ràng xem nào!) (hakkiri itte yo!)

じゃあ、はっきり言わせてもらうよ。 (Well, let me get straight to the point.) (那么,我就直说了呗 。) (그럼, 확실히 말할게.) (Được rồi, vậy thì để tôi nói cho rõ ràng nhé.) (jā, hakkiri iwasete morau yo.)

日本語を勉強している外国人のはっきりした人数はわからないけど、400万人ぐらいって聞いてるよ。 (I don’t know the exact number of foreigners studying Japanese, but I heard it’s about 4 million or so.) (我不知道在学日语的外国人的确切数量,但我听说有大约400万人。) (확실하게는 모르지만 일본어를 공부하고 있는 외국인은 400만 명 정도 된다고 들었어.) (Tớ không biết chính xác số lượng người nước ngoài học tiếng Nhật, nhưng nghe nói là khoảng 4 triệu người.) (nihongo wo benkyō shite iru gaikokujin no hakkiri shita ninzū wa wakaranai kedo, yon hyaku man’nin gurai tte kiiteru yo.)
Perfectly / Properly / Hard / Solid etc…
Unlike “はっきり(clearly)”, “しっかり(shikkari)” means “Perfectly, Properly, Hard, Solid etc. And the image of “” is steady, hard, enough and so on. The basic way to use “しっかり” is “しっかり___(verb)する” is used such as “しっかり持つ(hold on tight), “しっかり包む(perfectly wrap it)”, “しっかり準備する(prepare properly)” etc. Furthermore, “しっかりした___(noun)” is used such as “しっかりした研究(solid research), “しっかりした声(steady voice)”, “しっかりした生活(stable life.)” etc.

しっかりとふたが閉まっていることを確認してよ。 (Make sure the lid is on properly.) (确保盖子紧闭哦!) (제대로 뚜껑이 닫혀 있는 것을 확인해줘.) (Kiểm tra kỹ xem nắp đã được đóng chặt chưa đi.) (shikkari to futa ga shimatte iru koto wo kakunin shite yo.)

今日はしっかりメイクしたの。 (I put my makeup on perfectly today.) (我今天化妆了。) (오늘은 단단히 메이크업 했어.) (Hôm nay tớ đã trang điểm rất kỹ.) (kyō wa shikkari meiku shita no.)

しっかり予習しなかったら、クラスについていけないわー。 (If I get to work hard to prepare for the class, I will fail.) (如果我没有做好预习,我就无法跟上课程。) (제대로 예습하지 않으면, 수업에 따라갈 수 없어.) (Nếu không chuẩn bị bài kỹ trước thì lên lớp theo không kịp đâu.) (shikkari yoshū shinakatta ra, kurasu ni tsuite ikenai wa-.)
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