My teeth are straight.:”hanarabi ga ii” Japanese Phrase #454
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歯並びがいい。(hanarabi ga ii)
My teeth are straight. / 牙齿很整齐。 / 치열이 좋다. / Niềng răng đẹp.
When you want to describe “My teeth are straight.”, you would be able to use “歯並びがいい。(hanarabi ga ii)”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual and “歯並びがいいです。(hanarabi ga ii desu)” is used as polite and formal. Additionally, native speakers often omit “が” of “歯並びがいい。” in daily conversations as casual, so that would be “歯並びいい。”
Sample 1
レイって歯並びが悪いですよね? (Rei’s teeth aren’t straight, aren’t they?) (莲的牙齿挺不整齐的,对吧?) (레이는 치열이 안 좋지 않아?) (Rei niềng răng xấu nhỉ?)
そうですね。 (Yeah.) (对啊。) (그렇네요.) (Đúng vậy nhỉ.)
Sample 2
たつやって歯並びいいよね? (Your teeth are straight, aren’t they?) (达也的牙齿很整齐,对吧?) (타츠야는 치열이 좋네?) (Tatsuya niềng răng đẹp nhỉ?)
小さい頃、矯正してたからね。 (When I was a child, I was getting braces.) (我小的时候矫正过。) (어렸을 때 교정했으니까.) (Vì tôi đã nẹp chỉnh răng từ khi còn nhỏ rồi.)
そうなんだ。 (Oh, I see.) (这样啊。) (그렇구나.) (Ra là vậy.)
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